Growing Up In A Middle Class Essay

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Growing up in a middle class family I had mostly everything I wanted, but in my infancy I grew up with kids that were in the wealthy class and the low class too. I was able to experience and observe the way they lived. In society they compare the wealthiest and lower class on how they act, on how much they give, and other types of norms.
Are the rich mean and shady? I think that they’re not many humbled or nice rich people, but I do believe that the way they act is caused by how they were shown by their parents. For example, growing up with a wealthy family they have different values from the non wealthy, they have different cultures and they think bigger on material stuff like cars, houses, properties, etc. One of the values that my mom taught me is that you should never lose your humbleness and love for others, an experiment done by psychologist Paul Piff shows us how money can make you less compassionate about others and how money can change you in a blink of eye. For his first experiment he has two players play monopoly but in the video he shares that the trick here is that one of the players has more money that the other and they have several hidden cameras watching them as they played the guy with the most money became ruder and began to show off the amount of money …show more content…

Looking through several articles there were two that I think explained the best, on “Do the poor have more meaningful lives?” the author talked on how the poor believe that their lives are meaningful to them because of the friends, religion, and family, but in the other article “Why rich people really aren’t happier” it explains that the rich enjoy there life by having money and being able to go to places around the world. My personal opinion, I would prefer to be poor and to have family, friends by my side than being alone with only fake people surrounding me just for my

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