Groom Observation Report

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For my social experiment I committed the social faux-pas of wearing a ring gag used in BDSM in my high school classes. This experiment was done 2 times in different classes in an attempt to net enough reactions to understand the social dynamics of the faux-pas and also understand my own emotions while committing it. The very premise of this assignment is to feel uncomfortable but I was unsure whether my discomfort came from a place of embarrassment or guilt. When conducting the experiment I also didn’t know if I was ashamed of my actions because I internally condemned them or if the reactions of others caused my negative outlook on the conducting of the experiment.
In my first trial I wore the ball gag in my Study Hall. In this class I do not know many of the students or the teacher very well. It was uncomfortable but comparatively easier to wear a ball gag around people I do not know. When I did work up the nerve to put on the gag it caused an immediate reaction by the people around me. Most started laughing but some became disgusted. The teacher was one of the people who looked appalled. I had the creeping heat of embarrassment run up my neck while the reactions continued. The people in my nearby vicinity asked why I would do such a thing and the one person that did know me …show more content…

Despite the classroom setting remaining constant the familiarity I hold with those that witnessed me putting on the gag is what determined my reaction. I assume personally that because I did not know the people within the study hall trial I did not care about their negative emotion of disgust but I did care that it was directed at me. However, when a teacher that has regularly interacted with me showed that he expected such tom-foolery from me it elicited an apologetic response instead of a selfish

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