Grizzly Man Loret Herzog Sparknotes

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In Werner Herzog’s documentary film Grizzly Man, Herzog follows the expeditions and life of Timothy Treadwell, a man bent on conserving the lives of grizzly bears in Alaska The film constantly puts Timothy Threadwell’s extreme passion towards a life threatening animal and the real motive behind his wild and dangerous living style in debate with commentary voiceovers from the editor Werner Herzog. It gives you a realistic feeling towards who these people in the film really are, including Timothy and the people in various relations to him by using the footage that is usually cut off during the interviews. It also shows you some of the rarest shots of life interactions between humans and bears that could not be found elsewhere.

The argument of whether Timothy Treadwell is a real environmentalist and an eco-warrior worthy of respect, whom has died in contribution to spreading the message of protecting bears as he strived towards, or was just being ignorant towards the safety borderlines between humans and nature because of his fascination about bears has replaced his addiction for drugs and alcohol usage and in the end finally died horribly due to his addiction driven mode of thinking, lack of self-cautious, and irresponsible choice for life was strongly …show more content…

I see only the overwhelming indifference of nature. To me, there is no such thing as a secret world of the bears and this blank stare speaks only of a half-bored interest in food. But for Timothy Treadwell, this bear was a friend, a savior.” I agree with Warner, I think all the people in the interviews whom hold different objective towards Timothy are not exactly standing in contradiction to each other. They all speak a piece of the true side of Timothy and altogether we have the complete picture of the Grizzly Man from the

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