Greener Future

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In an age where each new day is another countdown toward global warming, recycling may be our last hope. Since the beginning of mankind, we as consumers have always relied on the earth for its natural resources as we do in our non-biodegradable products now. The essential route for our natural resources must be composted back into the earth’s soil as a source of nutrient as it did for us in our bodies. As for the non-biodegradable products, their creation is for our convenience and that reason alone. Therefore we must take responsibility to recycle them before they cast an even greater strain on the health of our planet and its inhabitants. According to CleanAir.Org, “…Americans throw away enough paper and plastic cups, forks and spoons to circle the equator about 300 times.” Due to the growing pressure from our polluted planet, steps must be taken toward recycling and composting in order to sustain a ‘greener’ future.

One of the fundamental steps on maintaining the earth’s soil is the process of composition. Composting is a natural breakdown process of organic matter into high quality soil amendments in a controlled environment. According to SustainableProducts.Org, “ … (Compostable products) breaks down to carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds, and biomass at a rate consistent with those of known compostable materials.” This process has numerous benefits for the land, water and air that will affect the environment that we will live in. Besides saving our soil from the toxic chemical fertilizers, composting also promotes higher yields of agricultural crops. A wide world spread to encourage composting is expanding in areas such as “… A wide variety of food service operations from sit-down restaurants and university and hos...

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Works Cited

"Are All Your Recycling Efforts worth the Trouble? |" Cleveland OH Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather - Web. 01 Aug. 2011.

"Composting for the Homeowner." Web. 01 Aug. 2011.

"Does It Cost More to Recycle a Plastic Bottle than to Make a New One? » Scienceline." Scienceline. Web. 01 Aug. 2011.

"FAQs: Why Choose Compostable Products for Food Service | Sustainable Plastics?" Welcome | Sustainable Plastics? Web. 01 Aug. 2011.

"The History of Recycling -" Local Recycling Centers and Recycling Information and Statistics. Learn How to Recycle and Live Green - Web. 01 Aug. 2011.

"Recycling More Important as Landfills Decrease - IMCOM HQ." Web. 01 Aug. 2011.

"The True Cost of Recycling." Disability News, Information and Resources - Disabled World. Web. 01 Aug. 2011

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