“Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.” Erich Fromm once expressed. Greed is a thief to a life of experiencing the joy and satisfaction of accepting what you have and not wanting more. The way one acts on his or her thoughts leads them to an arrogant, greedy, and fearful life, in Spoon River Anthology, a variety of themes are introduced and experienced throughout the development of each townspeople, leading to the demise of themselves. The townspeople in Spoon River Anthology fight for superiority to everyone around them in the town. Defending their impulsive actions and arrogant comments to try to look perfect on the outside to hide all the lies and secrets going on …show more content…
Mrs. Benjamin Paintier also exalts arrogant behavior throughout the epitaphs. Mrs. Benjamin Paintier states, “That's why I drove him away from home, to live with his dog in a dingy room” (Line 18 and 19). This quote boldly illustrates her lack of empathy and understanding regarding her relationship with her husband. Her dismissive attitude creates an environment so uncomfortable and unwelcoming that her husband felt compelled to leave the comfort of his own home and instead he found solace in the company and comfort of his dog. She continues to fail by not showing the role of being a supportive, loving wife in their marriage. With the displayed acts of arrogance in Spoon River anthology by the townspeople, it gives them a sense of greed throughout the epitaphs. The act of Greed in Spoon River Anthology is a huge component to the townspeople's character development. It is an idea that they act impulsively, eventually affecting their actions. The epitaphs of Minerva Jones and Doctor Myers show a great deal of greed. Greediness is a central theme that underscores their respective