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Railroad strike of 1877 essay
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On the July of 1877, thousands of railroad laborers went on strike. The rest of America watched in shock. The Great Railroad Strike was one of the first of its nature, a complete halt in railroad traffic and seizure of railroads—across the entire country. The strikers would even destroy buildings, train cars, and other rail property, and in the wake of their destruction, other laborers and sympathizers still gathered in protest for the same workingman’s cause. Allan Pinkerton would condemn the strikers, stating that they had “unlocked the floodgates of anarchy and riot.” They were certainly violent. But they had also organized in less than a month—almost spontaneously—revealing that there were serious, commonly shared concerns toward industrial …show more content…
Especially as cities became increasingly crowded, living conditions worsened, and those who earned too little lived the slums. In addition, workers on average could expect to be unemployed and unpaid for at least one month each year. One coal miner in Illinois had only been able to work thirty weeks in a year. A family just as poor was recorded to have lived in “a very dirty and unhealthy place, everything perfectly filthy.” In addition, the “children [did] not attend school. They are ignorant of the full sense of the word. Father could not write his name.” These families could not escape destitution, no matter how hard they worked. The fruitless efforts of laborers and their terrible living conditions were strong justifications to the labor movement in the late nineteenth century. They were also the reasons that the Knights of Labor would eventually accrue over 800,000 members, and almost half a million workers would be on strike by 1886. In attempts to fix the labor system, the Knights would advocate policies for shorter, eight-hour work days and the prohibition of child labour—ultimately, they wanted to reward an employee industrial labour and utility—rather than his or her prior status of
An employee strike might seem like a modern technique but it’s moderately, if not fully, based on an actual event in Texas in 1883. This book illustrates the importance of the changing political, social, and economic factors that shaped this country. It shows the devastation that comes with it; people defying and protesting the change that contradicts from their way of living. It also brings out the importance of economic laws and barriers that prevent large businesses from yielding too much power and exploiting the public. The novel not only has some of the elements of western fiction, rich and big against the poor and small, justice serving at the end, and the main protagonist wearing the heroic sheriff’s badge but also brings a great deal of recreation, intuition, and exhilaration. It also provides moments of bonding and congregation as the degradation by big ranchers made the cowboys join together and do the inconceivable – go on a strike. It has an unexpected turn of events from a quarrel over cow brand to a gripping courtroom
By the summer of 1877, at least three million Americans - an estimated 25 percent of the nation's workforce -were searching for employment. That May, the Pennsylvania Railroad had imposed its second 10 percent wage cut in two years.A few weeks later, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad b and o announced ten percent pay cuts for workers making more than a dollar a day-including comparable cuts for officials-and at about the same time announced payment of a 10 percent dividend. For b and o workers, this was too much-it was the second 10 percent wage cut in a year.On July 16, frustrated workers and sympathizers blocked the movement of b and o trains in Baltimore, Maryland, and one hundred miles west, in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Word of the strike action spread quickly. Workers in Philadelphia, Reading, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Columbia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Johnstown, Derry, Washington, Erie, and Pittsburgh halted all commercial train traffic. Strike organizers in Pittsburgh struggled to maintain
The Transportation Revolution in the 1800s, sparked up industrialization and the building of railroads that stimulated every other industry causing an economic boom known as the Gilded Age. From the outside, America seemed like the place to go to make all your dreams come true. But in reality, in was an era of serious social problems mainly caused by an economy with a free market policy, low tariffs, low taxes, less spending, and a hands-off government. This type of economy would eventually lead to the development of monopolies. These monopolies would then, in turn, lead to worker uprisings ‒caused by the suppression of unions created mostly by unskilled workers‒ that would contribute to the rapid rise and downfall of America. An example of this suppression is the Homestead Strike of 1892; due to hostility created by the unions, the employer fired all the workers, and rehired them on the basis that there would not be any more unions. After the workers started working again, the conditions were still unbearable, so the workers shut down the facility. The police got involved, the workers were pushed back, and the facility was reopened union free.
The Pullman Strike of 1894 was the first national strike in American history and it came about during a period of unrest with labor unions and controversy regarding the role of government in business.5 The strike officially started when employees organized and went to their supervisors to ask for a lowered rent and were refused.5 The strike had many different causes. For example, workers wanted higher wages and fewer working hours, but the companies would not give it to them; and the workers wanted better, more affordable living quarters, but the companies would not offer that to them either. These different causes created an interesting and controversial end to the Pullman strike. Because of this, questions were raised about the strike that are still important today. Was striking a proper means of getting what the workers wanted? Were there better means of petitioning their grievances? Was government intervention constitutional? All these questions were raised by the Pullman Strike.
Labor unions in the late 1800's set out to improve the lives of frequently abused workers. Volatile issues like the eight-hour workday, ridiculously low pay and unfair company town practices were often the fuses that lit explosive conflicts between unions and monopolistic industrialists. Some of the most violent and important conflicts of the time were the Haymarket Affair and the Pullman strike. Each set out to with similar goals and both ended with horrifying consequences.
During the 1800’s, America was going through a time of invention and discovery known as the Industrial Revolution. America was in its first century of being an independent nation and was beginning to make the transition from a “home producing” nation to a technological one. The biggest contribution to this major technological advancement was the establishment of the Transcontinental Railroad because it provided a faster way to transport goods, which ultimately boosted the economy and catapulted America to the Super Power it is today.
The period in American history between 1900 and 1920 was a very turbulent one. Civil unrest was brewing as a result of many pressures placed upon the working class. Although wealth was accumulating at an astonishing rate in America, most people at the lower economic levels were not benefiting from any of it. Worst of all for them, the federal government seemed to be on the side of the corporations. Their helpless situation and limited options is why the coal strike of 1902 is so important.
The Underground Railroad was not a real railroad with a train but a network of meeting places in which African slaves could follow to Canada where they could free. Those who helped were at risk of the law but got the satisfaction of knowing that they were helping those who did not deserve to be treated like less than everyone else. People who escaped had to take care, they were creative with giving instructions and the way they escaped their owners but if they were caught the punishment was not very humane.
While 2001 has proven to be a year of fear, anger, uncertainty and terrible destruction, the years between 1893 and 1904 were equally chaotic for the small mining town of Cripple Creek, Colorado. Tensions began to grow between mining companies and workers over their long hours and low wages. In response, John Calderwood, a former coal miner, established the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) in 1894. Calderwood and five hundred men formed a union in February of that same year. Their demands were simple: three dollars' pay for an eight-hour day. The conflict went on with neither side willing to compromise. Non-union workers and union workers competed for jobs as companies refused t...
No other union had come into such heated conflict with Gould as did the Knights, as no other union had been strong enough to challenge Gould himself. But in the end, even the strongest of all labor unions of the time could not stand against the tempest that Gould was. One might say that the Haymarket Riot was the ultimate downfall of the Knights of Labor, but this is a mistaken belief. It was Gould who caused the decline of public support for the labor union and brought about its downfall in the great strike of 1886.
Great cities and businesses had been formed, and an empire overseas was established, but not every citizen participated in the new wealth, prestige, and optimism. These were difficult times for the freedmen and workers, hours were long, pay was low and work was dangerous. The answer seemed to be industrialization, it stimulated economic growth, but did not improve living conditions for the workers. Workers then banded together and formed large organizations known as the unions. A well example for a union would be “the knights of labor,” one of the largest and most powerful organizations, founded by Uriah S. Stephens, whom was a habitual joiner involved with a few secret orders, including the masons. He felt secrecy would protect the members from retaliation by employers and create a sense of solidarity. As other unions collapsed, the knights of la or spread more rapidly. Its preamble and platform backed up the reforms advanced by the previous workingmen’s groups, including the establishment of bureaus of labor statistics and mechanics’ lien laws, this was to ensure the payment of salaries. Convicted-labor competition was eliminated, and the use for paper currency and eight-hour long days was established. Throughout the existence of the knights of labor they emphasized certain measures and preferred boycotts to strikes as a way to make the employers feel
Though striking workers were not endemic to Chicago, labor historians who begin their research in that city will be getting one national story (Cohen, 7). There are several reasons why Chicago is a logical beginning. In many ways, the nascent laborers of Chicago set the groundwork for the numerous benefits contemporary workers have. Earlier labor movements, like so much other history, were centered in Chicago (Cohen, 7). It just so happens that extraordinary political changes in labor took place during the interwar period, and Chicago was the largest industrial city in America then (Cohen, 7).
The book The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead closely follows the life of Cora, a plantation slave in Georgia in the time of mass enslavement of African Americans. While in the south Cora describes the harsh life on the plantation, the controlling slave owners and gruesome punishments the slaves had to endure, often leading to death. One-night Cora executes a grand escape to the north in search for a brighter future discovering “The Underground Railroad.” Whitehead leverages ideas of human commodity, intense imagery, illusioned reality and symbolism to expose slavery, times of brutal hardships and the fight for freedom making The Underground Railroad an astonishing read.
people having the courage to join in, compared to majority, who remained quiet. Eventually, many people rose up against the employers, riots and collective strikes stroke the country, many people protested against the treatment they got from the capitalists. As Jeremy Brecher explains in The Great Upheaval, it all started in July 1877 when many strikes were held across America. The workers halted the operations of the most important business, the railroads. They fought the police, the state militia, and even the federal troops. Chicago was a major production that attracted people from all parts of the
It is difficult to decide what is worse, the work done in the mines or the housing to which the miners returned to at night. The especially cruel truth. is the fact that the rent of a family of six living in two barren rooms, two hundred yards from an outdoor privy, extorted most of the household wages. Orwell 's urgent prose does not let anyone turn a blind eye to the facts. Although Orwell wrote from the perspective of a “participant observer” it still resonates today 's concerns about the effects of poverty on people 's everyday lives and dreams.