Great Gatsby Commentary on Pages 100-103

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I have chosen to write a commentary on pages 100 to 103, Gatsby's second party because I feel it brings out true messages of the book and it portrays the more realistic, hones, darker side of the supposedly glamorous, high-class parties. It negatively shows how people are knowingly and openly breaking the law (National Prohibition Act), making fools of themselves, and putting on fronts in order to satisfy the equally false and shallow `celebrities' they wish to measure up to. Really, the only people who deserve to be admired are the truly honest ones, who are content within themselves and feel no urge to compete against the insecure status seekers. These people want to be remembered with respect and admiration, but in order to summon up the courage so speak up and be fun yet intelligent they get heavily drunk, forget about manners and etiquette and the plan to seem interesting and end up making utter fools of themselves, thereby being remembered with humiliation and pity. This party shows people as they come across throughout the book; Tom being domineering, Daisy being confused and indecisive and Gatsby still trying his ever best to impress Daisy. We can also witness the anonymity of the guests who are supposedly Gatsby's friends. Gatsby's previous party was elegant, glamorous and cheerful, whereas this one has "turned septic on the air." This party ids the antithesis on Gatsby's previous party. The opening lines of the chosen passage, "Tom was evidently..." immediately states Tom Buchanan's key characteristics- dominance and oppressiveness, "His presence gave the evening its peculiar quality of oppressiveness." People are intimidated by his hulking power. Tom oversees the crowd as he is standing raised on the steps, which creates a vivid image similar to that of a powerful dictator on a platform surveying his country, people, soldiers, worshippers, slaves. He later leaves his wife at dinner to accompany a funny gentleman, but, as Daisy knows he is really accompanying a "common but pretty" girl. Here we can witness Tom's sheer nerve, audacity and idea of self importance, as he blatantly leaves his wife to join another woman. The book makes reference to "Tom's arrogant eyes" on several occasions throughout the book (p.12, p.101). As is commonly believed and suggested throughout the book the eyes are the door to the soul, so the book is clearly implying that Tom is an arrogant and oppressing person, even when stripped down to his bare, selfish soul.

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