An individual is shaped and molded by how they are treated by those that surround them. Most people value the opinions of those they care about and want to act in accord. Consequently, the choices people make are greatly influenced by the people in their lives. Sometimes, someone will become close with people who are different from each other. Such is the case in Good Will Hunting. Will Hunting (Matt Damon) struggles between the people that created him and the people that discovered him.
Will Hunting is a 20 year old genius with untapped potential. Lacking a post-secondary education, Will spends his time reading borrowed library books. What he reads, he knows. He can quote college textbook pages and understand theoretical math and science principles that men at the top of the math field struggle with. But his knowledge isn’t put to use as he mops the floors of Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a janitor. He takes breaks from cleaning to solve the math problems that Professor Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) post outside his classroom. Lambeau wants to know who solves his math problems, which are too complex for all his theoretical math students. As Lambeau is leaving his office late at night, he discovers a janitor grafting on his board. Lambeau chases Will off, but soon realizes he has found a genius. Assuming he’s fired, Will heads out with his friends to blow off steam. When they come across Will’s old elementary bully, they decide to beat him up. As Will is wailing punches on his former bully, the cops show up.
Will recites quotes about American liberty as he represents himself in court. The judge is unimpressed as he reviews Will’s rap sheets and says there is no way for Will to talk his way out of j...
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...rspectives and opportunities. It is friendship that has the power to keep a person close to home. And it is friendship that gives a person the support to leave their home.
Works Cited
Ebert, Roger. "Good Will Hunting." N.p., 25 Dec. 1997. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Hauge, Michael. "Revealing Your Hero's Wound: Good Will Hunting." Revealing Your Hero's WoundsMich: Good Will Hunting. N.p., 2010. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Levy, Emanuel. "Review: 'Good Will Hunting'" N.p., 30 Nov. 1997. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Maslin, Janet. "Logarithms and Biorhythms Test a Young Janitor." N.p., 5 Dec. 1997. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
"Robin Williams' Therapy Makes 'Will Hunting' Good." Review and Analysis: Good Will Hunting. N.p., Aug. 2008. Web. 16 Apr. 2014
"Supplemental Materials for Good Will Hunting." Teach with Movies. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
Some people dream of wealth, happiness, or genius, but is any of that easily attainable? An intellectual young man from the movie Good Will Hunting has an unusually high IQ that is shrouded by emotional problems. Will Hunting is arrested after yet another case of physical assault in Boston, and this time it was a police officer. When he is arrested, his genius is discovered by a college professor, Gerald Lambeau, who sees potential in Will despite his flaws. Instead of jail time, Labeau offers him a fair bargain. As long as Will attends mandatory therapy, he will be allowed to work alongside the professor. But education isn’t everything, because under Wills sarcastic wit and mathematical genius, he hides his true self. Will scares off five different therapists before he finds himself stuck with Sean Maguire, who ends up using personal and profound forms of therapy to crack Wills shell. Sean delivers this speech to help Will realize his ignorance of his insecurities and other people by using ethos, logos, and pathos appeals; Sean addresses that true knowledge and perspective can only
Seger, L., & Whetmore, E. (1994). From script to screen . New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
McCarthy, Todd. "Review: 'The Manchurian Candidate'" Rev. of The Manchurian Candidate (1962). Variety 17 July 2004: n. pag. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.
Within the very beginning of the film, the wonderful portrayal of William by Billy Crudup gives the audience a lasting impression by Burton of the blatant resentment and distain William has towards his father and his mythological stories. Wallace, while more subtle in his method to reveal the underlying anger of William towards Edward, does not make it any less apparent than Burton of the obvious indifference William feels towards his father. In Burton’s ...
“In the heart of nation’s capital, in a courthouse of the U.S government, one man will stop at nothing to keep his honor, and one will stop at nothing to find the truth.” This tagline helps to sum up the tone of the film A Few Good Men. Two soldiers caught in the middle of right and wrong will keep there hope and loyalty high as they wish for the best. Will the instigator of it all be pressured through his own anger to reveal the truth? Rob Reiner presents Col. Nathan R. Jessep as having an exaggerated self opinion while using his power for evil, based on dispositional factors.
He is the underdog, and everybody likes the underdogs in movies. Will makes many bad decisions, like beating people up, and they are overlooked by the viewer because we are on Will’s side and we want him to show up the snobby upper class people, like Professor Lambeau. The professor uses will’s knowledge to make himself, and the upper class, look better, and viewers see that, making us want Will to do well in spite of them.
friendship that it is so valuable? And, more specifically, how does this truth fit with
The film “Good Will Hunting” follows the story of Will Hunting (Matt Damon) a self-taught genius who works at one of the most prestigious technology schools; MIT, as a janitor. Will is an orphan with a criminal record of Assault, grand theft auto, assaulting a police officer, etc. Will solves a complex math problem, which leads to him being discovered by professor Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) as a genius. Professor Lambeau makes a deal with the judge when Will is incarcerated to be on parole under Lambeau’s supervision and Will is ordered to see a therapist once a week. Will Outsmarts many of the therapists, which forces Lambeau to go to his last resort, college friend and psychology teacher Sean Macguire (Robin Williams).
The character this film is primarily centered around is Will Hunting. Will lives in a tattered house in a bad neighborhood in the city of Boston. He grew up in foster care where he sustained continual physical abuse as a child. Will has a few close friends he is always with but never opens up about anything below surface level. Will is incredibly gifted with intelligence however he works as a custodian at the highly prestigious school, MIT. Professor Lambeau teaches advanced mathematics at MIT and is the one who discovers Will’s incredible talent for solving advanced mathematical theory. Professor Lambeau has high hopes for Will and pushes him into getting jobs with prestigious employers so that his gift is not wasted working as a custodian. Chuckie Sullivan is one of the closest of Will’s friends. They’ve known each other for years and Chuckie drives Will to work every day. Chuckie cares for Will and realizes the gift that he has and tries to convince Will he should be doing something of greater importance with his life. Skylar is a college stu...
Dr.Maguire helps Will by generally using empathetic psychodynamic therapy, encouraging the intimate discussion of the client's symptoms and the effects on the client's life. By providing clients with meaningful self-insight on their experiences, psychodynamic therapy is useful for people with a traumatic childhood. But the most important aspect of Dr.Maguire's method is his strong relationship with Will. Other psychologists failed with Will by using outdated therapies like “free association” and not creating an empathetic relationship. Good Will Hunting has thus humorously dealt with the stereotypes of outdated psychotherapies and incompetent therapists. Charlie also receives psychodynamic therapy, though the film doesn't depict the exact dynamics of this treatment. Charlie's situation differs from Will's in that he isn't treated until he is hospitalized for a severe mental breakdown, while Will is treated before his mental condition can deteriorate. Charlie's sessions with psychiatrist Dr.Burton help him recover, and he continues seeing her on a weekly basis after his release from hospital. If Charlie and Will had received therapy sooner in life, their more severe symptoms may have been
I watched Good Will Hunting on June 13, 2016. It was two hours and six minutes long. The main character Will Hunting is a janitor at MIT. Professor Lambeau at MIT posts a mathematical problem on the chalkboard outside his classroom. Will solves the problem but doesn’t tell anyone that he was the one that solved. Professor Lambeau see’s that Will was the one that solved it and tracks him down. Will is facing jail time, but professor Lambeau get’s Will out if he agrees to work him on mathematics and receive therapy. Will challenges many therapists and they won’t work with him. Finally, professor Lambeau asks an old college friend Sean Maguire to help. When Will tries to push Sean it doesn’t work. Sean asks about Skylar a girl who Will likes.
This again forced me to relate myself to Will because my dad is a superintendant at his job, and whenever he is not home, he’s on call and will have to be on the phone 20 hours a day to sort everything out, just as if he is at work. Even though I know my father has an important role at work I wish that we were closer and I could spend more time with him, just like Will and his father. Throughout this first half of the novel, Will is easily relatable to me, which makes it super easy for me to like him. We live similar lives at school and at home, we follow the same characteristics, and even enjoy the same things. At school Will is an average student who enjoys maths, sciences, and speaking his mind, while at home he stays segregated to himself and follows similar routines to me by helping out our mothers due to the fact that our fathers are never home. Will is a very relaxed teenager who seems to have no cares in the world, and would rather stick to himself rather than do something that he is not interested
One of those problems is an adequate amount of money. That has always been a subject of concern for people and, most likely, always will be. People today know the saying, “Money does not buy happiness,” but life can be taxing and threatening without it. In The Pursuit of Happyness [sic], Will smith is in a situation where he has no money and is trying to acquire an occupation as a stockbroker. When a person is left in a desperate financial situation, he can find the situation emotionally overpowering. A strong r...
Friend has always been regarded as a precious gift presented to human beings. Without friendship, life is completely meaningless. However, building up and keeping a long-last relationship with friend is not simple as there exists many elements contributing to the lifespan of friendship in which communication is included. Samter (2003) points out five mainly necessary competencies for establishing and preserving friendship, which are initiation, responsiveness, self-disclosure, emotional support and conflict management. However, due to length limitation, the essay will focus solely on three main domains: initiation, self-disclosure, and conflict management as well as role of communication and signals of an ending friendship.