Gmo Pros And Cons Essay

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“Not one person has suffered negative effects from innovations like GMOs, yet 25,000 people die every day from malnutrition. We need to focus on solutions instead of arguing “what-if” scenarios that have no scientific basis.” What are GMOs and what good are they doing for our society? Even more so, what are the negative effects? Although GMOs have their cons, I believe that eventually their pros will outweigh that. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are any organism, whether it’s animals, produce, or seeds that are chemically modified to gain a desired trait through gene splicing. This process is done by isolating a genetic trait and inserting it directly into an organism using enzymes. Much of the food we consume today are GM (genetically …show more content…

GMOs, when utilized correctly make food easier to grow, creates a larger output of meat products as well as create crops resistant to pests and disease. GM crops have become easily grown and spread across the world because of their adapted nature, enabling certain crops to grow in regions they simply couldn’t before. In this way many farmers have become heavily dependant on GMOs to keep up with the increasing standards in production and also to be able to continue growing their crops in a cost-effective manner. This different way of farming has been good for farmers by creating these new organisms already resistant to the cold and the ability to keep insects away. In turn this keeps expenses down and could potentially reduce the amount of chemicals we put out into the atmosphere. However, at the moment more chemicals are being placed over GM crops than were previously used. This is because of the crops ability to withstand direct contact of chemicals that would normally be harmful to it. This increase in insecticides over the crops is due to the farmers wanting to keep their produce pest-free. The bottom line is that farmers depend on GM crops and need them to continue making a living in our rapidly changing

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