Gmo Persuasive Speech

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Do you know what’s in the food you are eating? Well if it’s not original or freshly grown it is genetically modified. GMOs are made to help benefit the crops,people,environment,but it does more. With progress in genetic engineering, farmers and scientist have changed the way in which foods are grown and made. Raising questions about these methods and their possible risks and effects. What is clear is that there is not enough information on the consequences of genetically modified foods on human health. This kind of genetic material may cause the spread of diseases across species barriers, there by creating problems that could never naturally exist. GMOs is also a moral issue for vegetarians, as the transfer of animal genes into plants goes against what they …show more content…

Some genetic scientists have been presenting the complex process of GMOs to the public as a simple operation. They place it in our foods and tell you the positive, but whst are the negative effects? There’s no telling what could happen in the future if we consume too much.GMOs are dangerous for the body,plants,and the environment. They could destroy natural crops, fruits and vegetable, have terrible side effects on the human body, causes allergic reactions, and it also makes the body resistant to antibiotics. And yet, they continue to put this in the food we eat each day . Some say that GMOs are beneficial, but I think that GMOs are a major threat to prevent GMO, it should be labeled and people should be recognized how dangerous GMO for us. Sharply and accuracy awareness is required to the people to recognized GM foods dangerousness to health, GM crops of damage to the natural environment, a hidden agenda in multi-naturals. In Western Europe and Japan, diffusion of GMOs has been less than 2% because environmental groups call GMOs to Frankenstein foods because of their own disadvantages and the general public avoids the

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