Gmo Labeling Pros And Cons

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In a world where healthy eating is always a fad, GMO Labeling is a hot topic. There are several misconceptions about GMOs. Products containing GMO's should be appropriately labeled because inappropriate marketing strategies could defer possible consumers, appropriate labels could help advocate understanding that GMO is not a negative additive and consumers have the right to know what is in their food. A GMO is defined as “an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that it’s DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there.” Research involving human consumption in GMOs has been in place since 1980, the FDA approved funding for GMOs in 1982. Even though they were approved in 1882, products containing GMOs did not hit grocery stores until late 1994.
Inappropriate marketing strategies could defer possible consumers. Labeling foods is acceptable but the important thing to keep in mind is size of the label in proportion to the package. GMO labels are a great thing, but it does not need to overshadow everything else on the package like the nutrition label, the ingredients, and does not need to be the main focus on the package. If the label is the main focus, it will look more like a warning label than …show more content…

If it was something that simple it wouldn’t take away from the product itself but it would still inform consumers that this was a genetically modified product. There are many different ways to reveal whether products contain GMO ingredients, one way this can be done is through QR codes. This is convenient for customers because they can scan the code with their phone and it will pull up all the information they need about GMOs and what all is in the product and even have the option to print the information. (Charles) This could be more appealing to the younger generation, since technology is ever changing the world we live

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