Gmo Environmental Effects

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In the world we live in today, there is a high demand for everything to be fast paced. If you cannot catch up with this high tide then you simply get swept away. With this in mind, a daily essential like food is not ignored. The food that we eat today is full of pesticides and chemicals to meet the demands of the growing population. The effects these chemicals are having is damaging to the enviroment and the human race. The strange thing is that today we are aware of these practices but are allowing them to continue.
Food that we eat acts as food to fuel our bodies. In the attempt to eat food that is ‘better’ looking, that is, vegetables and fruits that are bigger, and in the attempt to meet the demands of many more people, we ignore the fact that we pumping our system with dangerous pesticides. The GMO produced food stains and alters …show more content…

The first generation may be affected by illnesses, but the generation that they give birth to has serious birth defects. Rats are widely used as models to study man. The reason for the same is that the DNA is very similar. When rats were fed food that was produced through genetically modified, it was observed that they first refused to eat it, they would initially avoid it. With repeated exposure when they did consume the infected food, they were indefinitely affected by it. Through repeated consumption of the genetically modified food not only were the rats affected but their offspring were affected in much more adverse way than the first generation exposed to them (Dauncey, p12). In a study of pregnant women, it was seen that traces of pesticides and the chemicals were found in the blood stream on not only the women but the foetuses as well. The number of cases of fertility related issues has increased especially in the last decade

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