Glory Road Essay

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Glory Road is a Great movie I would like to tell you about. Glory road takes place in El Paso, Texas, in 1996 where segregation is in full swing and black people can get beat up in public restrooms just for being black. Don Haskins was a girls high school coach before and got asked to coach division 1A basketball. This is where the movie starts.

Don Haskins( Josh Lucas ) starts the year by recruiting seven black players to go along with the white players he already had. The players black players are Bobby Joe Hill ( Derek Luke ), David Lattin (Schin Kerr), Willie Worsley ( Sam Jones II ), Willie Cager ( Damaine Radcliff ), Nevil Shed ( Al Shearer ), and Harry Flournoy ( Mehcad Brooks ). The team goes on in and has to get serious about basketball before they can play like a 1A team.

I think that everyone did a good job in this movie but to me, the best actor was Mrs Flournoy, Harry’s mom. She was so passionate in her role and had the best facial expressions. She hits the nail on the head when it comes to humor also, one of my favorite lines from the movie was when she was talking with Don Haskins before her recruits Harry and she asks if he goes to …show more content…

Other themes people could get from this movie are black rights, anyone can achieve great things with the right practice, and sometimes you have to listen to your heart even when it is 2 sizes too big.

I think that his movie is a great watch for everyone ages 14 and up. Anyone under this age will most likely not like it and / or get scared at some parts and with a smattering of foul language that could be done without is is more PG 13 than PG even though PG is the actual MPAA rating. I would give this movie a 4.75 out of 5. It was excellently executed and the actors were magnificent, but the unnecessary language took a chunk out of the movie for me, otherwise it was

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