Globalization: The Case of Dubai

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“Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people—and, later, corporations—have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages” (What is globalization). For centuries many people and companies had invested in other countries even before the First World War. Globalization is a huge issue, because it affect on all the people around the world. It can affect in several of ideas, cultures, local and regional economics, societies, communication, and trade. Globalization can influence the environment of the people, security, and the exchange of the ideas between the countries. It distribute in a fast way, which emerge of new technologies, rise in free-trade activities, and markets worldwide acceptance.
During the past two decades, many governments have changed their policies and opened free-market economic system, taking the opportunities of international investment and trade. Also, they reduced the barriers to exchange and signed many international agreements to promote trade and investments.
Mostly, the issue that people think in globalization is the trade in good and services. It is one of the most noticeable aspects in globalization, however, not only the local trade is known but also the international investments are the one that brings the world together. This type of investments can change whole methods of products through the transfer of technology, knowledge, and management techniques. Moreover, globalization and the foreign investments put up many questions about the change of culture, political relationships, and economics around the world.
Globalization can be...

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