Globalisation Essay

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Globalisation has become a definition primarily linked to its impact on economic growth, income inequality, and its effect on employment whereby Uchitelle (2005 p.3, as cited in Elijah, 2007) regards the concept a “rootless process of constantly moving jobs to low-wage countries”. Other authors (preble, 2010; Lee & Vivarelli, 2006) relate the term with economic integration and trade liberalisation. Although globalisation has many aspects, this paper will narrow itself to the review of literature regarding the pros and cons of globalisation on employment in developing countries. Even though globalisation has its drawbacks, it has a positive effect on employment in developing countries. First, a brief history of globalisation is presented, focussing on the present era in particular. Next, the positive attributes will be presented, followed by statements made by opponents of globalisation. Thereafter, the two main topics of trade liberalisation and foreign direct investment are introduced. These topics have had an impact on employment, especially in developing countries. To conclude, specific aspects of globalisation are linked to employment in developing countries. The history of globalisation Globalisation has been associated with three main eras throughout the last century, whereby many facets contributing towards a gradual integration of economies (Gunter & Van der Hoeven, 2004) were hampered by global happenings (Preble, 2010). The first era was highlighted by trade and was projected to increase further. However, the arrival of World War I ensured trade protectionism and reprisal (Elliot, 2006, as cited in Preble, 2010). After the war, economies were starting to integrate and many factors, including the establishment of the... ... middle of paper ... ...come inequality has increased amongst the employed (Gunter & Van der Hoeven, 2004; Preble, 2010). Even though globalisation has some negative impacts on society, Preble (2010) believes that people should be better informed regarding the benefits of globalisation. In addition, globalisation has its advantages for most countries (Bergsten, 2000, as cited in Preble, 2010) and hence, supports Preble’s recommendation to increase awareness of the positive aspects globalisation. The following section goes more into detail regarding the effect of globalisation on employment, focussing on developing countries in particular. Two main areas have impacted employment in developing countries, namely trade liberalisations and FDI. Both have contributed towards a changing working environment, especially in the current era were economies are integrating and borders are opening up.

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