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What caused the 2008 recession
What caused the collapse of 2008
Cause of the recession 2008
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Recommended: What caused the 2008 recession
An economic recession is described as “a widespread decline in the GDP and employment and trade lasting from six months to a year.” (Word Net) The economic recession is an international problem that has been affecting countries like the United States, China, United Kingdom and others for over two years. The latest recession began when house prices and sales began to fall and large drop offs in business investments started. Another causing factor of the recession was citizens with bad credit buying houses and real-estate and mortgages not being paid. Countries began taking action in 2008 by implementing stimulus packages and bailout plans, which can help a country locally, federally and on a global scale. The United States stimulus package has been in effect for over a year and they have been distributing bailout money to large corporations, investing in infrastructure and public services as well as investing into green incentives. The States were one of the first countries to begin a stimulus package in 2008 under the Bush administration.
In 2008, the United States began too feel the harsh effects of the economic recession. Large auto companies and banks were suffering and were on the brink of bankruptcy. Bailout money was sent to hundreds of large companies, generally automotive companies and banks. Approximately $70 billion was given to the bank AIG and nearly $50 billion was given to General Motors (Pro Publica). The reason for these bailouts were so the years worth of investments from American citizens could be kept safe and the jobs of a few million citizens could be kept safe. This bailout money would stimulate and keep these corporations running for an appropriate timeframe that they could rethink their plans ...
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...blem, like Canada or the UK, follow similar plans, there can be a greener, more prosperous and safer future for a large portion of the globe.
Works Cited
"Bailout Recipients." Pro Publica. 11 Jan 2010. Pro Publica Incorporated, Web. 11 Jan 2010. .
Hossain, Farhana, and Amanda Cox. "The Stimulus Plan: How to spend $787 Billion." New York Times. 18 Nov 2009. The New York Times Company, Web. 11 Jan 2010. .
West, Larry. "U.S. Economic Stimulus Package Includes Billions for Energy and the Environment." About.com. The New York Times Company, Web. 11 Jan 2010.
"WordNet Search 3.0." Word Net. Princeton University, Web. 11 Jan 2010. .
Roth, Carol. "US Auto Bailouts Weren't a Success." CNBC 10 Dec. 2013: n. pag. Print.
By definition, an economic depression is a “sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_depression) The latter, is far worse then a recession. A recession is merely an economic slowdown, which was experienced by most Atlantic Provinces in the late 19th century.
Teslik, Lee. "Backgrounder: The U.S. Economic Stimulus Plan." The New York Times, January 27, 2009.
Many people today would consider the 2008, United States financial crisis a simple “malfunction” or “mistake”, but it was nothing close to that. Contrary to what many believe, renowned economists and financial advisors regarded the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 to be the most devastating crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. To make matters worse, the decline in the economy expanded nationwide, resulting in the recession of 2007 to 2009 (Brue). David Einhorn, CEO of GreenHorn Capital, even goes as far as to say "What strikes me the most about the recent credit market crisis is how fast the world is trying to go back to business as usual. In my view, the crisis wasn't an accident. We didn't get unlucky. The crisis came because there have been a lot of bad practices and a lot of bad ideas". The 2007 financial crisis was composed of the fall of many major financial institutions, an unknown increase in mortgage loan defaults, and the derived freezing up of credit availability (Brue). It was the result from risky mortgage loans and falling estate values (Brue) . Additionally, the financial crisis of 2007 was the result of underestimation of risk by faulty insurance securities made to protect holders of mortgage-back securities from risk of default and holders of mortgage-backed securities (Brue). Even to present day, America stills suffers from the aftermaths of the financial crisis.
In the midst of the current economic downturn, dubbed the “Great Recession”, it is natural to look for one, singular entity or person to blame. Managers of large banks, professional investors and federal regulators have all been named as potential creators of the recession, with varying degrees of guilt. No matter who is to blame, the fallout from the mistakes that were made that led to the current crisis is clear. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current unemployment rate is 9.7%, with 9.3 million Americans out of work (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Compared to a normal economic rate of two or three percent, it is clear that the decisions of one group of people have had a profound affect on the lives of millions of Americans. The real blame for this crisis rests on the heads of the managers that attempted to play the financial system through securitization, and forced the American government to “bail out” their companies with taxpayer money. These managers, specifically the managers of AIG and Citigroup, should be subject to extreme pay caps for the length of time that the American taxpayer holds majority holdings in their companies, as a punitive punishment for causing the Great Recession.
Since being founded, America became a capitalist society. Being a capitalist society obtains luxurious benefits and rather harsh consequences if gone bad. In a capitalist society people must buy products and spend money to keep the economy balanced, but once those people stop spending money, the economy goes off balance and the nation enters a recession. Once a recession drastically takes a downturn, the nation enters what is known as a depression. In 2008 America entered a recession and its consequences were severe enough for some people, such as President Barack Obama, to compare the recent crisis to the world’s darkest economic depression in history, the Great Depression. Although the Great Depression and the Great Recession of 2008 hold similarities and differences between the stock market and government spending, political issues, lifestyle changes, and wealth distribution, the Great Depression proved far more detrimental consequences than the Recession.
Murray, Sara. “Numbers On Welfare See Sharp Increase.” The Wall Street Journal. 22 Jun. 2009. 20 May. 2012.
Every few years, countries experience an economic decline which is commonly referred to as a recession. In recent years the U.S. has been faced with overcoming the most devastating global economic hardships since the Great Depression. This period “a period of declining GDP, accompanied by lower real income and higher unemployment” has been referred to as the Great Recession (McConnell, 2012 p.G-30). This paper will cover the issues which led to the recession, discuss the strategies taken by the Government and Federal Reserve to alleviate the crisis, and look at the future outlook of the U.S. economy. By examining the nation’s economic struggles during this time period (2007-2009), it will conclude that the current macroeconomic situation deals with unemployment, which is a direct result of the recession.
Looking back to the Carter and Reagan Administration’s, you can begin to see where the Recession originated from. Prior to the Reagan administration, the United States economy experienced a decade of rising unemployment and inflation. Political pressure favored stimulus resulting in an expansion of the money supply. Reagan wanted to increase defense spending while lowering taxes, Reagan's approach was a departure from his immediate predecessors. Reagan enacted lower marginal tax rates in combination with simplified income tax codes and continued deregulation. During Reagan's presidency the annual deficits averaged 4.2% of GDP after inheriting an annual deficit of 2.7% of GDP in 1980 under President Carter. The real
In 2009, the United States economy began to recover from the Great Recession. To aid in the recovery, the newly elected president Barak Obama created the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act better known as the second of two “Stimulus Packages.” Pa...
What caused the Great Recession that lasted from December 2007 to June 2009 in the United States? The United States a country with abundance of resources from jobs, education, money and power went from one day of economic balance to the next suffering major dimensions crisis. According to the Economic Policy Institute, it all began in 2007 from the credit crisis, which resulted in an 8 trillion dollar housing bubble (n.d.). This said by Economist analysts to attributed to the collapse in the United States. Even today, strong debates continue over major issues caused by the Great Recession in part over the accommodative federal monetary and fiscal policy (Economic Policy Institute, 2013). The Great Recession of 2007 – 2009 enlarges the longest financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929 – 1932 that damaged the economy.
In economics, a recession occurs when there is a slowdown in the spending of goods and services in the market. A recession causes a drop in employment, GDP growth, investment, as well as societal well-being. All recessions are caused by a specific cause, but the Great Recession of 2007-2009 was caused by a crash in the housing market. This crash was triggered by a steep decline in housing prices. All of a sudden, people bought houses because there was an excessive amount of money in the economy and they thought the price of houses would only increase. (Amadeo, 2012). There was a financial frenzy as the growing desire for homes expanded. People held a lot of faith in the economy and began spending irrationally on houses that they couldn’t afford. This led to overvalued estate and unsustainable mortgage debt. (McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2012).
Whitehouse, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 13 Apr. 2014. .
...cording to Mishkin’s Paper “The Financial Crisis and the Federal Reserve”, the bail-out amount is 700 billion.)
In the late 2000s, the World suffered from a big global economic crisis which caused “the largest and sharpest drop in global economic activity of the modern era”, in which “most major developed economies find themselves in a deep recession”, according to McKibbin and Stoeckel (1). Because its consequences have a very big impact to the whole world, many economists and scientist have tried to find the causes of the crisis; and some major causes have been emphasized are greed, the defection of the free market system, and the lack of prudent regulation and supervision. This essay will focus on the global imbalances, one of the most important causes of the current economic crisis.