Girl With A Pearl Earring Analysis

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In Girl with a Pearl Earring, Griet is intelligent and shows artistic knowledge much like Vermeer, but she cannot act upon it. When Griet and Vermeer first meet in the kitchen of her parent’s home, Griet is laying out and chopping vegetables. She puts them out in a very organized way, and Vermeer immediately takes notice. When he questions her for separating the colors as she has, she tells him, “the colors fight when they are side by side, sir.”(5). This shows she recognizes which colors look best together, and which clash. Most people would never bother to divide their vegetables in such a way. Griet speaks of other people, objects, places, and experiences in a very distinct and descriptive way. When she first hears Catharina’s voice, she describes it as “a woman’s, bright as polished brass.”(1) She doesn’t just use adjectives to describe her voice, she uses other objects to help paint a picture (pun intended). She also does the same with Vermeer, “a man’s, low and dark like …show more content…

When she is first given the task of cleaning the studio, Griet questions whether or not she should wash the windows in Vermeer’s studio. She recognizes that the value of light in his studio affects how everything looks and how it will change his painting. Later, once he’s between paintings, she cleans the windows and describes the difference to him by saying, “the light, it’s cleaner now.” When Vermeer asks Griet what color the clouds are, she first sees them as only white. Vermeer compares the situation to her vegetables, and Griet understands. There is more than just white in the clouds, she sees the blue and yellow and gray as he does. Vermeer says, “you will find there is little pure white in clouds, yet people say they are white,” (101) while trying to explain to Griet why he doesn’t need the blue paint

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