Giraffe Award Research Paper

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The Giraffe award was started in 1984 by a woman named Ann Medlock. The award isn't just any given award either. The Giraffe Award is an award given to one person who “sticks their neck out for the common good” and do good deeds for their community and other people. There is five main criteria that it takes to be a Giraffe. First, a Giraffe is someone who acts out in caring. Next, they must go above and beyond their duties and job description. Equally important, their doings must be ultimately healing, and not decisive. After that, they might as well rock the boat, or in others words cause problems for themselves just to make good for others. Most important of all, Giraffes must take risks whether it is a social, financial, or physical risk. …show more content…

Thus, Jerry Foster should win the Giraffe award. The first of the five most important criteria is being able to act out in caring, and that is why I chose Jerry Foster. Jerry didn’t have to save a man stranded in the desert who was dehydrated, but he did, he flew down in his helicopter, picked him up, and then flew him to safety and saves him from dehydration. After that crazy event another on happened later that year and Jerry went on to save another man who was lost in a forest and helped him find his way. Therefore, Jerry Foster should receive the Giraffe Award. Second, Jerry went out of his way and above his job description to save these people from danger. Jerry was originally a news journalist who was supposed to record the new that was happening around the area but instead he above and beyond his job description to save two people from possible death. He went above and beyond when he saved these people because he wasn’t required to save them, and he didn't have to. Thus, Jerry Foster went above and beyond his job description to save these

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