Getting Rid Of Renewable Energy Essay

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One of the largest issues facing the world at the moment is climate change. From the melting glaciers in the Arctic to the rising carbon dioxide levels, the world is going to be facing serious consequences if something is not done about this. A large contributor to climate change are fossil fuels, which have been used for years to power all of the world's energy needs. Thanks to the invention of renewable energy sources such as solar panels and water dams, energy can be produced without releasing the same high levels of carbon dioxide that usually come from fossil fuels. According to an article by NASA, the burning of coal and oil is releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which causes the Earth to warm up and leads to the melting of …show more content…

One of the most obvious benefits are a new source of clean and infinite energy. It is a fact that the Earth only has a finite amount of fossil fuels like natural gas and oil, so the day will come when there will not be any more fuel left to create the energy needed to power an entire nation. A nation that is less dependent on finite resources, such as oil and petroleum, is capable of saving a lot of money by not paying for fossil fuels and still powering the country. There is never a day when there is no water, sun, or wind to power a renewable energy source such as a solar panel, dam, or windmill. Surprisingly, renewable energy construction has also led to an influx in jobs. Fortune states that “the solar and wind industries are each creating jobs at a rate 12 times faster than that of the rest of the U.S. economy” (Samuelson 1). The article states that there are roughly four and a half million jobs in the sustainability sector, and the number could keep growing if the United States continues to invest in renewable energy (Samuelson 2). All of these benefits would be considered extra incentives, because the biggest benefit of more renewable energy would be to combat the current climate change crisis. With so many positives, it is surprising that the United States refuses to dedicate more of its resources to expanding clean energy, even when it helps the economy, environment, and sets America up with an infinite source of

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