Gertrude Stein's A Rose Is A Rose

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“A Rose is a rose is a rose”, is a quote written from the American born author Gertrude Stein. Stein was best known for her “modernist writings, her extensive art collecting, and literary salon in 1920s Paris.” She was born in the the United States and moved to Europe at a later age where she did most of her writing. Gertrude Stein was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania on February 3rd, 1874. She was the the youngest out of five children. Her family was considered to be a upperclass German-Jewish-American family. Her father, Daniel Stein, was a wealthy Businessman with real estate holding and was the director of San Francisco's street car lines, the Market Street Railway. Her mothers name was Amelia Stein. German and English were the the two A little while after he left, she decided to follow him. Eventually they both lived in England and soon after Paris where Leo decided to follow he dream of becoming an artist. Together they bought an apartment at 27 Rue de Fleurus behind the Jardin de Luxembourg on the Left Bank of the Seine. Gertrude and Leo both knew that “Paris was the the place suited us who were to create the twentieth century art and literature” (Gilbert A. Harrison, Gertrude Stein’s America). In 1907, Stein met Alice B Toklas who was a wealthy San Franciscan who would become her lifelong companion and secretary they lived together at the same place that she and her brother Leo bought when they moved to Paris. This apartment would later become an prominent art gallery where many of todays famous painter works was displayed, most notably, Pablo Picasso. If aspiring artists wanted to have their work be put on display then they could possibly have hung at Steins salon. It was said that if you knew someone who knew someone, you would be welcome enough. Artists like Henri Matisse, Erza Pound, Max Jacob, Guillaume Apollinaire, and once again Pablo Picasso. Stein took a liking to Picasso’s work and was known to have quite a few of his pieces on display at her salon. Picasso appreciated it very much that he even painted a portrait of Stein in 1906 which she also included in her salon. They were actually very good

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