The Adventures Of Gertrude Mary Cox Gertrude Mary Cox was born on a farm in Dayton, Iowa on January 13th 1900. Gertrude and her family soon moved to Perry, Iowa where she attended public school. Her family was very involved in the church and believed in being church activist. Cox was closest with her mother and she says her mother is her biggest inspiration. Gertrude came about enrolling at Iowa State College in a unique way. She first took a 2-year social science course, and then was a housemother for 16 small-orphaned boys in Montana. She then became the superintendent of the orphanage and at that time she enrolled in Iowa State College. Heyde says that she “Majored in mathematics because it was easy for her, she elected courses in psychology, sociology, and crafts” (Heyde 475). Cox also started to work with computers to make extra money to pay tuition with. Her boss was her previous calculus professor Snedecor and he hired her to work in the computer laboratory because he saw a lot of possibility in her. He was her biggest encourager after her …show more content…
Cox was known at the society of Biometrics because she was a journalist for them. Billard says “Cox contributed prominently behind the scenes in her role as the editor of the Biometric Bulletin” (Billard 260). Cox had been with the society since the start and “nursed the infant society to vigorous growth” (Billard 260). Ronald Fisher was also a founding member alongside Cox in the Biometric society. Fisher was called the greatest statistician of the 20th century, and the two were seen as a team. Cox reviewed Fishers articles and Fisher Helped Cox teach at North Carolina State. They both worked together in statistics for 30 years until fisher passed away in 1962. When Cox was younger, Fisher was a professor while she was a student. He would lecture while she would go to school and major in many subject areas that she had chosen based off her
Mildred Day and Malitta Jensen had a problem. Often times amazing things can happen when people can find a solution to a problem. These homemakers were leaders of a Campfire Girls group. They needed the girls to make something that they could sell to raise funds for activities. The year was 1939 and these two busy ladies came up with Rice Krispie treats. They have truly become a world wide treat.
Background Known today as Madam CJ Walker that was not the name she was given on December 23, 1867. Sarah was orphaned at the young age of seven and was able to survive by working in the cotton fields of Delta and Mississippi. In an attempt to escape abuse from her sisters, (Louvenia sisters name) husband she married at the age of 14 (married Moses McWilliams). She has one daughter names Lelia, currently known as A'Lelia Walker.
“Ah, the creative process is the same secret in science as it is in art,” said Josef Mengele, comparing science to an art. He was less of an artist and more of a curious, debatably crazy, doctor. He was a scientist in Nazi Germany. In general, there was a history of injustice in the world targeting a certain race. When Mengele was around, there were very few medical regulations, so no consent had to be given for doctors to take patients’ cells and other tests done on the patients’ bodies without their consent. This was the same time that Henrietta Lacks lived. Henrietta Lacks was an African American woman who went to the doctor because she had cervical cancer. Her cells were taken and are still alive in culture today (Skloot 41). Hence, her cells were nicknamed Immortal (Skloot 41). Although many, at the time, saw no issue with using a patient without consent issue with what?, on numerous occasions since then courts have determined that having consent is necessary for taking any cells. The story of Henrietta lacks is has similarities to an episode of Law and Order titled Immortal, which is an ethical conundrum. Despite this, the shows are not exactly the same and show differences between them. Both of these stories, one supposedly fictional, can also be compared to the injustices performed by Josef Mengele in Nazi Germany.
Betty Marion White was born on January 17, 1922 in Oak Park, Illinois. She is the only child of Horace and Tess White, an electrical engineer and a house wife. At the age of two her and her family moved to Los Angeles. Betty White graduated from Beverly Hills High School California, in 1939 at 17. Betty started modeling they same year she graduated. She first did various radio shows in the 40s. But her first TV show was on Hollywood in Television in 1949. Whites first produced television show was Life with Elizabeth. "I was one of the first women producers in Hollywood."
One bright sunny afternoon on August 12, 1910 Jane Wyatt came into this world. Sister to three siblings and daughter to an investment banker father and drama critic mother. Although she was born in New Jersey, she was raised at a young age in New York City. Wyatt received her basic formal education at Chapin School and then attended Barnard College in New York City. How ever being privileged with having a mother
Civil rights activist, Daisy Bates was at the core of the school desegregation catastrophe in Little Rock, Arkansas in September 1957. Bates used her position as president of a local Arkansas branch of the NAACP to strategically destroy the segregated school system. Her civil rights work involved changing the policies of the Arkansas Public School System that promoted segregation of school students, which in turn denied equality of educational resources and qualitative instruction to Arkansas’ Negro students. This fight for civil rights for students of color caused a fundamental shift in how the state educated its students both Black and White. Her plan halted the nation to expose the segregation in the Arkansas school district. Bates advocated for Black children to attend public schools that had been segregated arguing that the school system needed to be desegregated. As a result of argument, Bates became the mentor to nine African-American students, who enrolled in
Gertrude Ederle was born in New York City on October 23, 1905. She was one of five children of Henry and Anna Ederle, German immigrants who owned a butcher shop on Manhattan's Upper West Side. From a young age she was passionate about swimming, which she learned at the local public pool and at the New Jersey beach where her family spent summers. As a kid she left school to practice as an athletic swimmer. Later she joined the Women’s Swimming Association. She had her first win at the age of 16, between 1921 and 1925 holding 29 records. Ederle swam at the Olympic Games in Paris, where her freestyle team won three straight medals. In 1925, she began training to swim across live television. Twenty-one miles of water between England and the European mainland. Other men swimmers had already crossed the channel but she was trying to be the first woman to ever achieve the goal.
On March 25th, 1925 Edward Francis O'Connor and Regina Cline O'Connor give birth to their only child and baptize her as Mary Flannery O’Connor (Bloom 11). She is raised as a devout Roman Catholic attending St. Vincent’s Grammar School and Scared Heart Parochial School for Girls in Savannah from 1931 - 1938, followed by St. Joseph's Parochial School and North Fulton ...
Evelyn was born on May 1, 1924 in Washington, DC. Her father, William Boyd, had many jobs to help support her family. Her mother, Julia Boyd, was a secretary and also support her family. When she was just five years old, she and her family lived through the Great Depression which caused her father to have many jobs. A little after, her parents separated. Her mother had an older sister and moved in with her and brought Evelyn as well. She began to attend Elementary, Junior high, and high school as she got older. She wanted to get an education and want to decide on what her career may be. The high school she attended was Dunbar high and was aspired by two Math teachers, Ulysses Basset and Mary Cromwell. This was the start of her discovering her career. When she graduated from high school, she attended Smith College with much her from herself and her family. Her mother sis...
Many people know Susan B. Anthony as ‘the women that dared to vote.’ Many women go to vote without knowing how important she was on that decision. She is one of the most recognized historical people fighting for Women Suffrage. She was an icon on Women’s Rights history. Women regardless of age, religion, social class, fought for one objective; the achievement to get the right to vote, the right to make their own decisions. She was part of this achievement. Susan B. Anthony was an American women hero.
Mary Cassatt had a wonderful childhood filled with travel and a good education. Mary Stevenson Cassatt was born in Allegheny Pennsylvania, which is now part of Pittsburgh on May 22, 1885 (Encyclopedia of World Biography 2). She was one of seven children, two of which did not make it past infancy (Creative Commons License 3). Her childhood was spent moving throughout Germany and France, (Creative Commons License 4) until her family moved back to Pennsylvania, then continued moving eastward to Lancaster and then to Philadelphia (Creative Commons License 3), where Cassatt started school at age six (Creative Commons License 3). Then continued her schooling at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in
Inside every human being is the desire to be evil. In society, rules and order exist for the purpose of keeping human civilization from revealing our inherently immoral sides. In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, it is witnessed that when order is absent from society, people choose to act immorally. In fact, many of the boys fall into the hands of evil behaviour and are conquered by savagery. Whereas only three boys in the novel named Piggy, Simon and Ralph, stay true to themselves amongst the chaos of their rule-free society. As a result, the three boys are forced to endure isolation and abuse and are dehumanized by the other boys.
Destiny McMahon Theatre Pickett, A 10 October 2017 Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt was a French actress during the late 1800’s. She was an international star at her time, and made way for many modern-day actresses. She was revolutionary and progressive, hidden behind a well-controlled façade that deceived her critics. Much like her upbringing and lineage, she was controversial and unconventional. Bernhardt proved to be one of the most influential actresses of her time.
Throughout the 17th century society revolved around a gender hierarchy that both men and women must follow. Many at the time believed that this hierarchy was instilled by God and nature, as seen in their religious books like the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer; both of which were to be taken very seriously. It was the norm for women to believe that their sole purpose in life was to maintain their social worth by being obedient to their male superiors such as fathers and husbands. However, many women began to question these gender roles. As tensions continued to rise, women would often express their ideas through poetry or prose. Two female poets in particular are Anne Finch and Mary Astell; both
During Queen Victoria's reign in England, ideals and the very thought of going against the “current” was born and passed along, embellishing into our mainstream personal views on practically everything. Throughout her reign of 64 years, till her death in 1901, England saw changes that changed their own way of doing things, their own way of thinking and refining their views to the point where it represented their work and no one could disagree with them. It was during her successful reign in England that incomprehensible things took place that changed history within such fields and specialties as art, literature, music, philosophy, sciences, and modern inventions. It is because of this time period, known as the Victorian Era, we have many of the modern conveniences, ideas, philosophies, and knowledge that we enjoy, and take for granted, on a daily basis. This period bridged the gap from the dark and medieval ages to our present and productive day. Authors, playwrights, and philosophers documented the changes that society underwent during the Victorian era. Oscar Wilde’s The importance of being earnest and even Charles Dicken’s works have included these such changes in society. This would not have come about without the influence of the ideas and works of several people from Britain, living under