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Treaty of Versailles effect on german economy
Treaty of Versailles effect on german economy
Treaty of Versailles effect on german economy
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1. Why had German currency become virtually worthless by the early 1920s?
By the early 1920s, German currency had become virtually worthless because the German government continued to print an excessive amount of paper money. The German government printed more paper money because it was a way for them to finance themselves against the French occupation at the Ruhr valley. Furthermore, Germany was already in financial crisis due to the Treaty of Versailles forcing them to pay reparations for about 132 billion marks. However, Germany could not pay 2.5 billion marks in the second year due to increasing financial problems, which led to the French occupation. As a result, the abundance of German paper money led to inflation, which made their currency worthless.
2. How was Germany rescued from its post-war economic disaster?
Germany was rescued from its post-war
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One of the long term causes was the rapidly declining prices of agricultural goods around the mid-1920s, because there was an overproduction of certain commodities. In addition, another long term cause was that the demand of coal from the coal industry decreased over the past years due to the increase of using oil and hydroelectricity. These two long term causes affected domestic economics; on the other hand, the international financial crisis that resulted from the American stock market collapse was a short term cause. The collapse of the American stock market happened because the European prosperity depended on American bank loans to Germany, but American investors withdrew money from Germany in order to invest in the New York stock market. Unfortunately, the US stock market crashed, which intensified the American investors to panic and to continue to withdraw money from the European markets. As a consequence, the funds of European banks weakened as industrialists cut back production, trade slowed down, and unemployment
The stock market crash of 1929 was the primary event that led to the collapse of stability in the nation and ultimately paved the road to the Great Depression. The crash was a wide range of causes that varied throughout the prosperous times of the 1920’s. There were consumers buying on margin, too much faith in businesses and government, and most felt there were large expansions in the stock market. Because of all these positive views that the people of the American society possessed, people hardly looked at the crises in front of them.... ...
During the 1920's America experienced an increase like no other. With the model T car, the assembly line, business skyrocketed. Thus, America's involvement in World War II did not begin with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Starting in October 1929, the Great Depression, the stock market crashed. It awed a country used to the excesses of the 1920's. These are the events that lead up to the crash.
After World War II, many countries have serious problems in almost all areas, political, social and economic. At one of the winners of the major issues after the war were the German question and the reason for the conflict between them, and led to the division of Germany and Europe.
Firstly, the stock market crash in the late 1920s was one of the main factors that contributed to the onset of the Great Depression. The common goal of many Canadians in the roaring twenties was to put behind the horrors and doubts of World War I, and focus on what was to come in the near future. However, on October 29, 1929, the Stock Market in New York City experienced one of its worst days of all time. The catastrophic impact that the stock market crash had was enough to shift the world in the direction of an economic downfall. The rapid expansion of the 1920 stock market caused the market to hit an all-time high.
At the end of World War One, Germany was required to pay a large sum of money to the Allies consequently resulting in the German Depression. The sum Germany had to pay was set after the Treaty of Versailles was enacted at approximately six billion, six hundred million – twenty-two billion pounds, (World War Two – Causes, Alan Hall, 2010). The large amount of reparations that Germany had to pay resulted in a depression and angered the Germans because they thought it was an excessive amount of money to pay, (World War Two – Causes) The Germans hatred of the Treaty of Versailles was of significant importance in propelling the Nazis to power. Germany could not pay their reparations and was forced into a depression, (World War II – Causes). The Treaty of Versailles deprived Germany of its economic production and its available employments, (World War II – Causes). The German Depr...
What started these tragic ten years were really the events categorized under ‘economic factors’. The economy went into a downward spiral, first, with the Stock Market Crash of October 29, 1929, nicknamed “Black Tuesday” (PowerPoint). The cause of this was actually many factors all happening within a few months. Many companies went bankrupt from overproduction of goods and started stockpiling them. They assumed the economy will keep rising like it did during the “Roaring Twenties”; but when Europe started to mend from the destruction of the war, the demand for products went down. In addition, on October 29th, the value of the stocks became overpriced, and everyone wanted to sell while they were ahead. The sheer number of stocks on the market lowered their value so much, that the price afterwards was only a fraction of what it was before. However, it was not just the Stock Market Crash that overturned the economy, but the farmers also had trouble coping. In the early 1930’s, a massive drought swept through the prairies and the central US, killing off anything that...
The first factor in the start of the Depression was the lack of diversity in the American Economy. It relied strongly on only a few basic industries, notably the construction and automobile industries. In the 1920's those 2 industries began a rapid decline: construction became scarce and fell from 11 billion to under 9 billion between 1926 and 1929. The automotive industry fell more than one third in the first nine months of 1929. Second, there was a maldistribution of purchasing power, and as a result a weakness in consumer demand. As major industries increased, the percent of profits going to consumers was to small to create adequate market for the goods the economy was producing. A third major problem was the credit structure of the economy. Farmers were greatly in debt, and crop prices were extremely low. Small banks were in trouble, many customers defaulting on their loans. Big banks were in trouble as well, many investing recklessly in the stock market then losing it all when the stock market crashed in 1929. The fourth factor was Americas position in the international trade market. In the late 20's, Europe's demand for American goods began to decline, partly because their industry was becoming more productive and partially because their economy was destabilized from the international debt structure that emerged in the aftermath of WW1. The international debt structure was a fifth and final factor contributing to the Great Depression. At the end of the war in 1918, all the European nations that had been allied with the US owed large sums of money to American banks and could not repay them with their shattered economies. The reparation payments were needed greatly from Germany and Austria, yet they were no more able to pay than the Allies were. This caused American banks to begin making large loans to European governments which they used to pay off their earlier loans, really only piling up debts. The collapse of the international credit structure in 1931 was one of the reasons the Depression spread to Europe.
In addition, having lost the war, the humiliated Germans were forced by the Allies to sign the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 that officially ended World War I. According to the harsh terms of the treaty, Germany had to hand over many of its richest industrial territories to the victors, and was made to pay reparations to the Allied countries it devastated during the war. Germany lost its pride, prestige, wealth, power, and the status of being one of Europe's greatest nations. (Resnick p. 15)
The cause of this was the Stock Market crash in 1929. Many investors in the stock market panicked and sold all their stocks. The results of this include frightened Americans withdrawing all their savings, causing and hoarding it in their homes, many banks to shut down and less money to circulate in the economy. Although the economy had taken a dramatic blow, there was hope. A new program was administered by the government to help people suffering from the depression.
Post the era of World War I, of all the countries it was only USA which was in win win situation. Both during and post war times, US economy has seen a boom in their income with massive trade between Europe and Germany. As a result, the 1920’s turned out to be a prosperous decade for Americans and this led to birth of mass investments in stock markets. With increased income after the war, a lot of investors purchased stocks on margins and with US Stock Exchange going manifold from 1921 to 1929, investors earned hefty returns during this time epriod which created a stock market bubble in USA. However, in order to stop increasing prices of Stock, the Federal Reserve raised the interest rate sof loanabel funds which depressed the interest sensitive spending in many industries and as a result a record fall in stocks of these companies were seen and ultimately the stock bubble was finally burst. The fall was so dramatic that stock prices were even below the margins which investors had deposited with their brokers. As a reuslt, not only investor but even the brokerage firms went insolvent. Withing 2 days of 15-16 th October, Dow Jones fell by 33% and the event was referred to Great Crash of 1929. Thus with investors going insolvent, a major shock was seen in American aggregate demand. Consumer Purchase of durable goods and business investment fell sharply after the stock market crash. As a result, businesses experienced stock piling of their inventories and real output fell rapidly in 1929 and throughout 1930 in United States.
October 29th, 1929 marked the beginning of the Great Depression, a depression that forever changed the United States of America. The Stock Market collapse was unavoidable considering the lavish life style of the 1920’s. Some of the ominous signs leading up to the crash was that there was a high unemployment rate, automobile sales were down, and many farms were failing. Consumerism played a key role in the Stock Market Crash of 1929 because Americans speculated on the stocks hoping they would grow in their favor. They would invest in these stocks at a low rate which gave them a false sense of wealth causing them to invest in even more stocks at the same low rate. When they purchased these stocks at this low rate they never made enough money to pay it all back, therefore contributing to the crash of 1929. Also contributing to the crash was the over production of consumer goods. When companies began to mass produce goods they did not not need as many workers so they fired them. Even though there was an abundance of goods mass produced and at a cheap price because of that, so many people now had no jobs so the goods were not being purchased. Even though, from 1920 to 1929, consumerism and overproduction partially caused the Great Depression, the unequal distribution of wealth and income was the most significant catalyst.
Hyperinflation is an economic condition characterized by “a rapid increase in the overall price level that continues over a significant period” and in this period the concept of inflation is essentially rendered meaningless (Kroon 90). The post-World War I German economy experienced a crippling period of hyperinflation which lasted nearly two years and had an enormous impact on the economy. The hyperinflation began inconspicuously as the inflation rate crept just a percent or two per year during the war years. In the post-war period inflation began to rise and in early- to mid-1922, inflation raged. During this period, businesses reached full operational capacity and unemployment nearly disappeared. While nominal wages increased, real wages dropped precipitously. Workers were paid two or three times a day, and they rushed home to pass the money to family members who could go and exchange the rapidly depreciating currency for real goods (clothing, food, etc.) before it became completely worthless. Prices rose so rapidly pe...
Another issue that caused the market to drop has to do with America’s finances. In the 1920’s, stock prices were getting out of hand. Many investors were buying stocks on margin:
Hyper- inflation in Germany 1923 was that of a huge blow to their economy and moreover, to their self-esteem. The value of the German mark became next to nothing, and people ended up having to trolley wheel-barrows full of money just to buy a loaf of bread. There are several causes for this happening in the first place, Germany had no goods to trade with the first place and they weren’t exactly on good terms with other countries to be in a position to do so. Then there was the severe impact of the treaty of Versailles that was “happily bestowed” upon them after the First World War. The French invasion of the Ruhr caused an uproar in the German government and it didn’t help in terms of Germany’s economy either. These were just a few main causes of the hyper-inflation in Germany, however, to find out what really happened what the real truth is we would have to accept the fact that real answer lies with inputs from all of these causes as they all played a part.
“The German government began to print money to pay its bills.” (McKay, 872). In order to make up for the massive debt and reparations connected to the Treaty of Versailles, the government started to print loads of money. The influx of money across Germany due to newly printed bills caused prices to rise. Money became rather worthless with an abundance of it, which hurt many people’s incomes.