George Blaurock Biography Essay

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Georg (George) Blaurock Georg (George) Blaurock was the third founder of the Swiss Brethren in Zurich, Switzerland. Blaurock was born in a village in Grisons, Switzerland and died in 1529. He was known by various names, but his name was actually Jorg vom Hause Jakob. He became known by the name of Blaurock, and how he received that name was written in an Anabaptist chronicle. A monk by the name of Georg vom Hause Jakob was discussing religious faith in a meeting and Georg added his ideas at the meeting. Someone asked who they were speaking to, and the reply was the person in the blue coat. He received his name because he was wearing a blue coat. From 1516 to 1518, Blaurock was at the diocese of Chur where he received the education to become a priest. Blaurock first came to Zurich to discuss the Gospel with Zwingli, but was disappointed and turned to Conrad Grebel and Felix Manz to discuss their faith. After these discussions, he joined the Zurich Swiss Brethren and played a prominent role. While Manz and Blaurock were in prison, the council ordered the Brethren to stop baptizing others. Manz and Blaurock refused to obey the rules from the council; therefore, the council demanded …show more content…

Everywhere he went Anabaptists grew in great numbers. Once again authorities captured Blaurock, and this time it was in Innsbruck. They questioned the Anabaptists in that area to find out who baptized them. The Anabaptist prisoners were tortured and they told the truth. On September 6, 1529, Blaurock was burned at the stake in Klausen. The charges against him were different than the charges in Zurich. The charges in Klausen were the violations of his vows from the Catholic priesthood, Catholic Church, and rejecting and refusing to recognize the Catholic Mass and confessional. Georg Blaurock’s name will always live in the Anabaptist community as he wrote many church hymns with two of his songs in the

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