George Bailey: Obstacles Of Life

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1. In the movie George Bailey faced a lot of obstacles in his life. State 5 ways that he showed grit or perseverance in overcoming the obstacles.
1. When Mr. Potter asked him to join his side so he could get more money, George thought better of himself and decided the best thing to do was to turn down the deal even though it was a once in a lifetime deal. George didn’t want to do it, but he at sometime had to face up to the problem of not getting to see the world like he wanted to when he was younger.
2. When George had the choice to let his little brother drown or save his brother and hope he gets better, he did the right thing and jumped into the freezing water to save his brother for the better of the world and his family.
3. When George …show more content…

The last way that George showed grit was when the banks had no money, and he had used $2,000 of his own money to keep the bank open and running. He could have just let the people go to Mr. Potter for their money and loose the bank entirely to let it get handed over to Mr. Potter. He also then could have gone on his trips with Mary all over the world but he did the right thing and loaned or give the back to the people.
2. State 2 ways Mary Bailey showed grit or perseverance.
1. When Mary and George were walking and talking about what they wanted to do in the future, she broke a window to wish for the marriage between them and to live a happy life together. Even though after that moment they didn’t talk much to each other, she still kept that wish even though she could have gone to a rich guy named Sam. If she wouldn’t have kept that wish and married someone else then George then her life and George’s life would have been very different.
2. After George and Mary marry each other she has a plan to stay in and rebuild the broken down mansion by herself without the help of George and everybody else. If she wouldn’t have worked on the broken mansion then they would have had to buy or rent another home that costs money. They together didn’t have a lot of money so this would have been very hard to deal with without the help of Marry.

3. Why do think Mr. Potter was so mean to

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