Genocide Reflection

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Every man and woman receives a number, which is tattooed on their arm. Their heads are completely shaven. They receive prison-camp clothes, because they are not allowed to keep their own clothes. The men are placed in one part of the camp, the women in another. Everyday, twice a day, the women are counted. Everyday, there are selections. Prisoners who are old, weak, or sick are sent to the gas chambers to be killed. The men, women and children who live are in constant labor. How can this be allowed? In 1945 World War II ends. The Germans have attempted genocide and have killed nearly 6 million jews. After the war we said “Never again”. The attempt of genocide has happened many times since. We know it has happened, we know it is happening, and it will happen in the future. The real question is what will we do about it? Will we stand by and watch? Will we stop the act from ever happening? After World War II, we should all know that genocide is not that answer to anything. However, some believe different. Have we truly learned our lesson? My Experience When I first started doing my research I was very busy. I was so busy that it was a long time before I got to visit the City library. When I did I was very pleased. I went out on a Thursday afternoon. It was a sunny day but it was still chilly. It took my mom and I about 10 minutes to get to the library. When I first entered the building, not many people were there. However as time went by more and more people came and went. After I did some reading, I asked one of the workers what time the library closed, she said 6pm. I think her name was Laura, I forgot her last name. Surprisingly enough, I had a lot of help from the dictionary. I did not want to get my help from the inte... ... middle of paper ... the family they still have. Some may even begin new families. After all my reasearch and all my work I must once again ask the question: Have we learned our lesson? After some thought I have come up with a conclusion. There good people and there are bad people in the world and we cannot help that. Most people would agree that genocide is a horrific action. There other people that would disagree. We can never completely stop evil, there will always be someone in the world that wants us all to be miserable. However, just because some of the world has not learned their lesson, does not mean we have not. The people who listen and understand what is good and what is bad should always know what is right. So, to answer the question: We as a world have not learned our lesson and maybe never will, but we as a force against evil have learned and will continue to learn.

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