Genesis 1 And 2 Comparison

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The first book of the Hebrew bible, the book of Genesis, is responsible for outlining the context and the setting of the accounts to come. The first two chapters of Genesis describe the creation of the world and of the human race as believed by the Israelites, however, each chapter tells a slightly different version of the events of creation. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 do share some similarities such as the belief that man was created in God’s own image and that there is only one God. The two accounts differ in the state of the world prior to creation, the order of events, and the characterization of God. To begin, the first story of creation (referred to as the Elohim story) takes place from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:4 and discusses in great detail the process of creation. The story begins with a pre-existing but chaotic world that is plunged in dark waters and void of life (Gen 1:2). The deity called “Elohim” choses to bring order to this world first by creating and bringing light to the darkness; this action represents the introduction of goodness and order into an unruly evil world (Gen 1:4). This version of events contrasts with the events described within the second account …show more content…

In the first account God is simply called Elohim and is characterized as existing and acting without need for explanation; he creates the world by simply commanding it into being with his voice “ Let there be Light” (Gen1:3). The second account portrays a deity called YHWH Elohim who is more willing to listen to the needs of humanity and foster an intimate relationship with all of life; he uses physical action to create the world “… breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Gen 2:7).The use of action instead of command creates an image of God as a craftsman instead of a mysterious and unknowable deity like that of the first

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