General Business Course Summary

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The general business course was effective in helping me gain an understanding about the legal system of the United States Amongst several principles studied in the course. I believe four that gained substantial learning of are that firstly no rights are absolute i.e. the rights of others are as important as the one protected in the law. This restricts unlawful activities within a society where one might think of the legal system as a cushion for protection. Secondly, there is no hierarchy of rights, meaning no one under the law is above the other. All citizens are equally accountable and liable under the state law. Thirdly, the rights may not extend as far as claimed, i.e. validation of the rights of both the parties is as necessary as the legality of the case. Fourth, the consideration of all values at stake under the constitution, which means that the context, values and level of interference or overlap is all evaluated from case to case basis. I found the core principles of US law highly just and unambiguous in terms of provision of justice and equality of all. I believe the strong legal system of the United States is one of the main reasons …show more content…

I believe the course fulfilled my expectations and went beyond by giving me clearer understanding of the concepts through practical examples. The study of basic business law, in my opinion, is necessary for not just business students but every individual because it helps them identify their rights as well, violation of which can be reported to the authorities. As an international student, I believe an understanding of the legal system of the US was of more value to me because it helped me differentiate between the laws of my home country and the US. I believe I am now in a better position to remain within the legal boundaries in my personal as well as professional

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