Evolution of Gender Roles in Society

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Since the beginning of time women and men have had their own set of duties. Society has this chart of what a woman is supposed to do, along with what men are supposed to do. As new eras emerge not only does technology, cultures, ethics, but also the duties of each gender role. I will be explaining the effect of men doing work that is deemed to be a woman’s job. There are a few key terms to understand first in order to comprehend the effect this has on society. The key terms are as follows; Gender roles, gender role socialization, and men gender role. Until recently communities and society has not discussed the importance of gender roles. To start off with there isn’t a law that states women must do only this work, and men must …show more content…

What is gender-role Socialization? it can be explained as what society automatically feels is what needs to happen. For instance when babies are born at the hospital what is the first thing they cover them with? Boys receive a blue blanket, girls get a pink blanket. With men doing women’s work they have this automatic view from society on how they should act, or do their job according to the gender-role socialization. To clarify men are to be “masculine, active, tough, and dominate. Meanwhile women are to be “feminine, soft, emotional, sweet, and submissive. This has a crucial role in socialization and emerging reversal roles of genders. With that being said men doing women’s work allows society to view men differently. In fact men that do women’s work can actually express to society the benefits. For example since men are known to be alpha and dominate, one day you meet a male nurse and you realize how much he is gentle, calm, and understanding. You actually have a 90% higher chance of encountering a female nurse, than a male nurse. This effects society by introducing a slowly newly “gender-role”. When the people of society slowly get familiar with males working in the medical field they, can gradually accept males can be alpha and do a woman’s …show more content…

Let’s talk a little bit about what is male gender role, it is similar to gender-role, however it isn’t just assigned characteristics like gender-role. For many decades the phrase stay-at-home dads was unimaginable. In today’s society for every stay-at-home father there are 38 stay-at-home mothers (Sociology a brief introduction [262]). Along with the gender-role of society, the actual male gender role is slowly changing. With men working women jobs it also sheds light on those men that can now be accepted as being stay-at-home fathers, they go hand in hand together. Men now being able to have different gender roles in society they still feel the need to respond how a society male gender role should respond. For example, those in the women’s job being a teacher, he must not be too much of a “sissy” (Sociology a Brief introduction) he needs to react to situations more stern, as a male should. The effect this also has on society is women having to accept males being capable of having the ability to do their jobs. For instance, a man goes out clubbing and meets a women he claims he is ‘“a carpenter or something” ‘because women were just not into a male nurse. Reality men are not only being able to work women’s jobs, by doing so it expresses to society multiple masculinities. This is men having the

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