Gender Differences Between Shopping And Shopping

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Shopping and the Battle of the Sexes
Down through the ages when it comes to shopping and acquiring goods, men and women differ so much that it’s led to many a row. So what makes each gender clash so much, and is there an amicable solution? Chief marketing officer of CVS Pharmacy, Robert Price says that “Women tend to be more invested in the shopping experience on many dimensions. Where men want to go to Sears, buy a specific tool and get out.” For women, shopping can be an enjoyable time, especially when it comes to buying items on sale. A man might not enjoy it as much, especially if he is going with her and has to carry her packages or wait with nothing to do while she tries on clothing. Perhaps this is why men avoid shopping at all costs. Let’s explore the differences that make it nigh onto impossible for the two genders to shop together. Then …show more content…

We are not referring to gender anomalies here, but to the typical man/woman point of view. The female mindset usually includes but is not limited to coupon shopping, newspaper adds, in an all-consuming mindset that leads them to shop anywhere and everywhere and everything, bearing in mind their coupons and store discounts. Men are different in that they only seem to shop for a single item at a time and will gleefully pass up a coupon for a closer place of provision. Women are rather picky about where they shop. This is determined by a number of things such as the rudeness of the staff at the shop, the prices of the shop, whether it is a new place or an “in” place to go. Comparatively, men will pick the closest place that they can remember having seen the object of their need and they might even go into a friend’s barn or carport to see if “Joe” will do a trade for an object they need. Men are not afraid to negotiate with another man or a “trader”, or the staff of any institution if they think they can benefit without having to spend precious

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