Gambling And Gambling

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Neither gambling nor its disapproval are new concepts. Leftist critics have always viewed gambling as a heavy economic burden on the backs of the working class while social conservatives continue to view gambling as a disease whose painful symptoms effect all sections of civil society. In 1852 Charles Dickens a prominent a social commentator devoted an entire magazine article gambling. Fifteen years later, the Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote the autobiographical novel, The Gambler (1866), which fascinatingly explained the psychology of problem gambling. The tone of the vast majority of media and cinematic examinations has little changed since the relarse of the movie The Gambler, 1974, which portrayed the disastrous effects of habitual gambling’s upon the life of an otherwise levelheaded college professor. Gambling was extensive in Ancient Rome and France, it was prevalent over 3,000 years ago in Egypt and 5,000 years ago in China. Nevertheless, what is new is the comparative capability to assess and analyze the arguments both of those who claim that the ills of gambling overshadow the benefits and of those who are of the opinion that the cost benefit imbalance is the other way round..

The ‘Game of Chance’ has always held a certain charm for Indian psyche,
Beginning from the Mahabharata when the Pandavas lost their kingdom by a throw of dice to the present multi- billion dollar online betting business.

Early Indian texts hold some of the earliest references to gambling in the world. Gambling has been part of Indian culture not for just centuries, but for many millennia.

The Ramayana, which dates back to over 2000BC, makes explicit references to gambling. These ancient tomes expla...

... middle of paper ... report that claimed that there was more than Rs.20,000 Crores (approximately US$4.27 billion) by way of illegal betting during the IPL last year .

The court also criticized the police for their inability to keep a check on gambling. "The half-hearted and lackadaisical approach of the police in nabbing the perpetrators of this organized crime on satta business leaves an irresistible impression that police is not only ill-equipped to deal with such cases but probably they have higher stake in continuance of the same under their patronage ."

The court made these remarks while allowing the appeal of two individuals convicted by the lower courts under the Delhi Police Gambling Act. The court held however that there was not enough evidence to convict the duo who were charged with organized betting in the 2007 World Cup match between South Africa and Australia .

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