GMO (genetically modified organisms) What is is a GMO? A GMO is a genetically modified organism. GMO’s are good so we should modify more organisms because they are helpful and we will need them in the future. Also genetically modified organisms have a lot of benefits to the like making more with less or getting bigger food also these benefits are not just for plants but for for people bugs insects and all living organisms. But There are Also a lot of concerns for genetically modified organisms because we are making the food in a lab and not naturally growing it and also that it can cause cancer or that it can produce super weeds and many more. But I Believe that GMO (genetically modified organisms) are good and that some of them might be …show more content…
There are a lot of benefits like it it said in article by the Office of Science at the U.S. Department of Energy “ one of the pros of genetically modified crops is a better taste, increased nutrients, resistance to disease and pests, and faster output of crops”. So this is saying that GMOs are good because you can get more nutrients out of them and grow them faster and with less water. Also The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations said in an article that “research shows that farmers can grow more food on less land with genetically modified crops”. Also GMO’s also conserve water and save the environment so In theory, genetically modified crops will also be more environmentally friendly because they conserve water, soil, and energy. But GMO 's are not just for plants they are also for animals in an article by the wall street journal it says that “Genetically modified animals have certain genes inserted into their genomes so that they can produce ‘better’ milk, eggs, and meat. These animals also are expected to have a higher resistance to disease and overall better health, with better natural waste management.” so by this being said it means the genetically modified animals are good for the environment and save resources so overall they are good. Also GMO’s aren 't just for plants and animal they are also for people they could help when you have kids you can select what …show more content…
Department of Energy says that with GMO’s there are flaws like potential health risks or also allergies or there are also unknown symptoms that could happen since the technology is so new. There are also concerns for the agricultural plants in an article by Phil Damery a professor at Iowa State University says in a article “agricultural food industry claims that GM foods are tested rigorously, but the food companies conduct all their own testing. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration never reviews the studies, just the conclusions that agricultural food companies provide to the FDA. Damery states that, when studies were conducted by non-agricultural food organizations, they found serious health risks with GM foods and the way they tested for safety” so this is saying that the government is looking at the conclusive test results for companies and giving them the approval when most of them have not done sufficient testing. Also in an article by the NPR it says that genetically modified plants create superweeds and it also it says that 25% of the time scientist don 't know if the effect will be positive or negative. Genetically modified plants. In an article by the GMO food corp of uk it say that “other organisms in the ecosystem could be harmed, which would lead to a lower level of biodiversity. By removing one pest that harms the crop, you could be removing a food source for an animal.
Genetically modified? That alone should be a cause for alarm, and have you wondering, what exactly is in this that I am eating? Yet every day millions of American’s choose to load up on food filled with GMO’s, and not even know it. First we must understand what GMO’s are. GMO’s are any organism whose genetics has been altered using genetic engineering. We should not be tampering with nature, and should try to grow organically as much as possible. There has not been enough research on GMO’s to know the potential long term effects it can have on us, so this is why GMO’s should be banned.
Miller first mentions how in any study a lot of scientists use animals as a way to test out theories. In this case animals were given modified food and what they found was that the food was harming the animals; they were suffering. Considering what occurred to the animals, why should we even consider trusting a modified plant? “Genetically modified foods - also called genetically engineered foods – contain DNA that scientists have modified in an unnatural way, such as by adding a gene from a different organism, according to the world Health Organization” (Miller). In this aspect no one would be willing to purchase a product like this, there should be a reason to be scared of the word GMO. Some of the make up`s are good for our economy and the plants but they cannot or should not be classified as a GMO. Miller even points out “At the event, Druker, a public interest attorney, argued that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has misrepresented the safety of genetically modified foods and violated federal food safety law by allowing them onto the market.” That right there should answer anyone’s question about GMO`s not being proven to be safe, because not every make up is suitable for our
Because of the increase in population, products need to be manufactured in a faster and more efficient way, and with genetically modified foods, the food is larger in size and quicker to harvest. Another advantage of GM foods is that it uses less fertilizer and less water and is more resistant to insects, diseases, frost, and drought. Consumers would not want to eat food that has been treated with pesticides because of possible health hazards and growing GM foods can help eliminate the use of chemical pesticides. Plants that are genetically engineered to resist strong herbicide will help prevent environmental damage by reducing the amount of herbicides needed. This will benefit both the companies and the environment because the production cost is reduced and the danger of agricultural waste run-off is limited. As more land is being used for housing instead of food production, crops need to adapt to locations unsuited
When we genetically modify an organism, we are creating an entirely new species. This can mean disaster for the surrounding natural organisms. These GM crops, which have been created to fight pests and weeds, can easily win in a competition for survival. Long-term effects include endangering these unmodified species, or even driving them to extinction. Another problem is that consumers don’t know when they’re eating GM foods. You might be allergic to fish, and then you go grocery shopping. You buy tomatoes to use in your dinner that night, with no knowledge that they have fish genes that can trigger your allergies. Allergic reactions to these modified foods are just another issue that comes up when GMOS come into play. Also, when we buy these foods, we’re supporting big industries that have patents on all these crops. The fact that people can patent crops just because they stuck some new DNA in them doesn’t make sense to begin with, but furthermore, the local, organic farmers who don’t want to, or can’t afford to pay these industries to use their patented crops are losing business.
“Genetically Modified Organisms”, or in other words GMO, is a method of altering mirco-organisms which include plants, fish, yeast, bacteria and mammals. These organisms have been engineered with increased carbon capacity and a smaller need for nitrogen fertilizers. These organisms are made from the DNA of bacteria and the DNA of other plants and animals. Thus genetically diverse, these various combinations cannot naturally happen in nature. All GMO’s are created to defy any herbicide or insecticide it comes in contact with. GMO’s are the origin of genetically modified foods that we see every day.
To begin with, there is too much Gmo in our food. We should make less foods with GMO and grow more foods on farms. Also a lot of people prefer non GMO foods over GMO foods. If we also make more of our food on farms we can get more people to get jobs. “ GM critics also worry that transgenic crops could harm wildlife and cause lasting damage to fragile food chains. GM crops harm wildlife. Since some birds and small mammals feed on these crops they will soon disappear. They will disappear because they are making the crops
GMOs have their pros and cons, but in terms of their effects on biodiversity, the technology is almost solely negative in how it affects the environment. Genetically modified food can damage agriculture as it allows for less restraint on chemical usage which leads to stronger weeds and weaker soil. The crops can easily spread their genetically modified genome through the wind. GMOs damage living organisms by making nasty insects stronger and vital insects weaker. GM foods are correlated with the decline in mammal and bird health, and the introduction of GM animals like salmon poses a threat to the ecosystem of wild fish.
Scientists have been changing genomes of plants and animals by integrating new genes from a different species through genetic engineering, creating a genetically modified organism (GMO). Consumers in America have been eating GMOs since 1996, when they went on the market. There are benefits to genetically modifying crop plants, as it improves the crop quality and increases yield, affecting the economy and developing countries. But there are also negative effects from GMOs. Consumption of GMOs has various health effects on both body systems of animals and humans. GMOs also affect the environment, ecosystems and other animal species. The cons outweigh the pros in the case of GMOs.
This has created a large amount of debate on local, national, and international levels about the safety of genetically modified foods to human health. There are many angles that have been taken from different groups on this issue. Some believe it is harmful to our health, with one source stating that, “mice eating GMO corn had fewer and smaller babies (Jagelio 2013).” Without testing on humans how are we to know these harmful effects aren’t impacting our health and reproduction. Other groups see GMOs as being both beneficial and having no impact on human health.
If crops were affected by droughts, disease and insects, having destroyed many acres across America’s Midwest region, the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) would not be beneficial in regenerating new crops. Genetically modifying foods (GMOs) “are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding” ( Most research done has concluded no positive benefits in using GMOs. There are serious health risks associated with eating GM foods based on scientific research done around the world. The purpose of GMOs are to increase production of crop yield and reduce pesticide use but research says otherwise. If farmers wanted to continue using GMOs to produce crops, labeling should be mandatory to allow consumers to have a conscious choice whether or not to eat GM food. Through research it has been proven that the use of GMOs to increased production of crops during a time of drought or disease have no benefits, just risks.
An English doctor, named Arpad Pusztai, did a study on rats being fed genetically modified foods. His study found out that rats that ate genetically modified potatoes had pre-cancerous cells, smaller brains, smaller livers, smaller testicles, and damaged immune systems. After finding this out, he then changed the eating habits of the rats by interchanging between feeding them organic potatoes and genetically modified potatoes for two weeks at a time. He concluded that whenever the rats ate the organic potatoes, their symptoms disappeared, but when the rats ate the GMO potatoes again, the symptoms reappeared. Pusztai study isn’t the only that proves that GMOs are harmful. Other studies have also shown that GMOs are linked to reproductive problems, immune system problems, accelerated aging, gastrointestinal distress, and dysfunctional regulation. This proves that GMOs have a serious effect on our
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) is an organism, such as a plant, animal, or any microorganism who’s had its DNA changed in different ways through genetic engineering that is not natural. It is an organism like every other organism, which produces thousands of proteins, but one or two of them are proteins that were chosen were specifically by humans. It creates unstable combinations of plants, animal, bacterial, and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods. Majority of Americans in the US consume nearly 200 pounds of GMOs each year. 90% of US crops are genetically modified.
We live in a world that is constantly changing and advancing thanks to technological advancements, especially in the field of molecular genetics. Today, we are discovering and implementing new ways to overcome the ill-fated symptoms developed as a result from poor health or accidents. We are also making advancements in the field of agriculture thanks to molecular genetics. As we all know, food is an essential entity in our lives and is abundant as well as relatively easy to obtain here in the United States. However, as good as it may sound, this is not necessarily true for developing countries. Many people in developing countries receive very little food, if any, due to its scarcity. It is estimated that in Asia alone, close to 800 million people go to bed hungry every night due to food shortage. This problem can be alleviated by turning to the production of genetically modified organisms (a.k.a. GMOs).
...ence of GM crops is that genetic modifications can develop proteins in plants which a consumer could be allergic to. For example, one of the most common allergies is with the peanut. What would happen if peanut proteins interlace into tomato seeds? Then people with peanut allergies would not be able to eat genetically modified tomatoes. There are many reasons to stop the production of GM food. It can produce serious long-term nature accidents, but there is no way to know much about it until is too late (“GM Food” 2).
As I have said before, hoping not to sound too redundant, everything in life has its benefits and its drawbacks; I don’t expect GMOs to be any different. Recombinant DNA technology has presently only been used on a handful of plant, these plants include: corn, cotton, canola and soy. However, these plants are the bases of almost all the food consumed in the US, derivatives ...