Fynta And Jorgan's War: A Short Story

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Fynta and Jorgan had reported to the barracks for the rest of the day since they didn’t have any new intel or orders. The commandos received better accommodations than regular troopers, so they spent their day getting acquainted with their surroundings. Only two other squads were in, which made the place pretty empty. Jorgan watched as Fynta played game of boloball with the others, which ended with one man receiving a broken nose when he got a little too handsy with the other female soldier involved. Fynta jumped the guy without hesitation, then the two women beat on him until he begged for mercy. No one bothered to step in to help him. Again, Jorgan’s reflected on how interesting his life had become. Afterward they spent a few hours at the …show more content…

When we tried to dispatch an extraction team, the Senate shut down the entire operation. We were causing an incident and breaching the peace. Bureaucrats.” Garza looked believably disgusted, “Havoc was left with no support and no way home. But in spite of insurmountable odds, Kardan led them out of there alive.” “Havoc Squad really was betrayed by the Senate, then.” Fynta said, more to herself than anyone else. Jorgan could see the wheels turning and caught a whiff of something he didn’t recognize. Her mood had shifted dramatically, but he couldn’t tell to what. He didn’t like her tone either. The change wasn’t lost on Garza. She snapped her fingers to recall the Fynta’s attention, “They were put in a terrible situation, Lieutenant, but that doesn’t excuse their actions. Kardan resigned as soon as he learned the truth, and Tavus took over the squad. They were never quite the same. What is important now is that we’ve discovered Jek Kardan’s location. I want you to bring him in at all costs.” Fynta took a deep breath, “I’ll take care of

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