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Nature in poetry
Analysis of poems of nature
Frost at Midnight. Sparknotes
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Recommended: Nature in poetry
Frost at Midnight by Samuel Coleridge
In the poem, "Frost at Midnight," Samuel Coleridge uses his creative
imagery and fascination with nature to create a beautiful picture.
Focusing on the “frost,” Coleridge personifies this natural occurrence
as it “performs its secret ministry” as though it were a mysterious
man lurking in the night. Much like other Romantic writers, Coleridge
focuses on the natural elements in his surroundings to reflect upon
his past. And thus realizes that he can make changes for his future.
Nature as Coleridge recalls nature, “Tis calm indeed!” Coleridge
explains, “so calm, that it disturbs/ And vexes meditation with its
strange/ And extreme silentness. The only disturbance in this “silent
Ministry” is the “owlets cry.” With this silence, he is able to
reflect, which he does quite vividly. The poem starts out in a slow
and somber mood as he talks about the peacefulness and beauty of
nature. He uses a style of prose or “free verse”, which has no
particular rhyme or meter. This could be used to help convey his
thoughts in a more story-like manner. The poem is broken down into
four paragraphs of varying length and all, primarily, deal with
nature. Particularly, how Nature effects the imagination.
He communicates how many more freedoms there are out in a natural
setting and how one can remain free-spirited, as opposed to one who
resides in the city. Coleridge is inspired by nature; he conveys that
it teaches one to “ask” questions. He thus Comes to his own
conclusion, that his child will “wander like a breeze” in a natural
setting and “[he] shalt learn far other lore, /And in far other
scenes” which is very contrary to his own childhood in the city.
Coleridge says, “I was reared/In the great city, pent ‘mid cloisters
dim.” He feels that the city deprived him of the liberation and beauty
that nature provides.
The depiction of nature in this poem is very vivid in description
especially in the last stanza, when Coleridge is expressing that every
season will be sweet to his child.
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Wiesel’s community at the beginning of the story is a little town in Transylvania where the Jews of Sighet are living. It’s called “The Jewish Community of Sighet”. This is where he spent his childhood. By day he studied Talmud and at night he ran to the synagogue to shed tears over the destruction of the Temple. His world is a place where Jews can live and practice Judaism. As a young boy who is thirteen at the beginning of the story, I am very impressed with his maturity. For someone who is so young at the time he is very observant of his surroundings and is very good at reading people. In the beginning he meets Moishe the Beadle. Moishe is someone who can do many different types of work but he isn’t considered qualified at any of those jobs in a Hasidic house of prayer (shtibl). For some reason, though young Elie is fascinated with him. He meets Moishe the Beadle in 1941. At the time Elie really wants to explore the studies of Kabbalah. One day he asks his father to find him a master so he can pursue this interest. But his father is very hesitant about this idea and thinks young E...
Eliezer Wiesel is a 14-year-old Orthodox Jewish boy from Sighet, Transylvania. Elie has one younger sister Tzipora, 2 older sisters Hilda and Bèa, and is the only son. His father is a prominent leader of the Jewish community. Ellie wants to study Jewish mysticism, but his father tells him he is too young. So he befriends Moche the beadle, a handyman, so he can be taught mysticism. Moche teaches him to ask God the right questions even though he will never receive the right answer. in 1944 Germans came to power an occupied Hungary, and soon controlled Sighet. At this point, the Germans begin their plan to get rid of the Jews. They moved Eli and his family into a ghetto. There were two gether does, small one large one. Eli and his family moved to the larger ghetto. They stayed in the ghetto for a while, until they were put on two trains and sent to Birkenau. when everyone was out of it rains, everyone was split into two groups, the men and the women. This was the last time le saw his mother and his sister Tzipora. Eli and his father were put into the same groups and that's when Ell...
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Elie Wiesel, the author of Night, took the time to inform the world about his experiences as a prisoner of Auschwitz during the Holocaust in order for it to never happen again. Wiesel uses a language so unbearably painful yet so powerful to depict his on memories of the Holocaust in order to convey the horrors he managed to survive through. When the memoir begins, Elie Wiesel, a jewish teenager living in the town of Sighet, Transylvania is forced out of his home. Despite warnings from Moshe the Beadle about German prosecutions of Jews, Wiesel’s family and the other townspeople fail to flee the country before the German’s invade. As a result, the entire Jewish population is sent to concentration camps. There, in the Auschwitz death camp, Wiesel is separated from his mother and younger sister but remains with his father. As he struggles to survive against starvation, physical, emotional and spiritual abuse he also looses faith in God. As weeks and months pass, Wiesel battles a conflict between fighting to live for his father or letting him die, giving himself the best chance of survival. Over the course of the memoir, Wiesel’s father dies and he is left with a guilty conscience but a relieved heart because now he can just fend for himself and only himself. A few months later, the Allied soldiers free the lucky prisoners that are left. Although Wiesel survives the concentration camps, he leaves behind his own innocence and is forever haunted by the death and violence he had witnessed. Wiesel and the rest of the prisoners lived in fear every minute of every hour of every day and had to live in a place where there was not one single place that there was no danger of death. After reading Night and Wiesel’s acceptance speech of the Nobe...
In the Spring of 1944, it was hard to imagine the horrendous acts of terror that would be bestowed on innocent people and the depth of Nazi evil. To Jews in a devout community with Orthodox beliefs and spiritual lifestyles, faith in God and faith in humanity would be shaken to the core as horrific, inhumane acts of torture and suffering were experienced by those in the concentration camps. Since the creation of the world, Jews have often associated darkness (or night) with the absence of God. Consequentially, Elie Wiesel struggled with this as the unimaginable atrocities took place in his life. Although a survivor, he has been haunted with guilt, questioned his faith and developed a lack of trust in humanity as a result of the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel entitled his book about the Holocaust, “Night”, because darkness symbolized the evil death camps, and a permanent darkness on the souls of those who survived.
The persona begins to think about how he cannot take both paths and be the same “traveler”
Winter in the Blood, a Native American novel written by James Welch, takes place on a cattle ranch in Montana, around 1970. On the surface, this is a story of a Blackfoot Indian sleepwalking through his life, tormented by visions, in search of a connection to his heritage. Welch's language is, at once, blunt and poetic, and the pictures it conjures are dreamlike and disquieting. Furthermore, the narrator of the novel is disheartened by the loss of his brother, Mose, and his father, First Raise ? the two most cherished people in his life. After struggling with guilt, sorrow, and alcoholism, the narrator overcomes these down falls through re-identifying with himself and his culture? specifically through the help of his grandfather, Yellow Calf.
“Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed”(Wiesel 32). Wiesel uses the symbolism of night to convey the death, the darkness, and the evils that started with the first night. In the memoir Night, Wiesel uses a distinct writing style to express what he went through, how he changed and how it affected the rest of his life, while in the concentration camps, during the Holocaust. He uses techniques like irony, imagery, symbolism, and a poetic syntax to describe his story of surviving the Holocaust. By applying these techniques, Wiesel projects a tone of bitterness, confusion and grief into his story. Through his writing Wiesel gives us a window into the complete abandonment of reason he adopted and lived in during the Holocaust.
Nature is often a focal point for many author’s works, whether it is expressed through lyrics, short stories, or poetry. Authors are given a cornucopia of pictures and descriptions of nature’s splendor that they can reproduce through words. It is because of this that more often than not a reader is faced with multiple approaches and descriptions to the way nature is portrayed. Some authors tend to look at nature from a deeper and personal observation as in William Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, while other authors tend to focus on a more religious beauty within nature as show in Gerard Manley Hopkins “Pied Beauty”, suggesting to the reader that while to each their own there is always a beauty to be found in nature and nature’s beauty can be uplifting for the human spirit both on a visual and spiritual level.
Frost uses nature as a reflection of human experiences; just like humanity it can have seasons and life cycles. He uses different scenes to depict a certain mood for readers to step into the psychological happening of a man. The idea of how seasons change, Frost compares it through the life cycles that humans encounter. Contrary to popular opinion, I believe that nature is not Frost’s central theme in his poetry; it is about the relationship that man has with nature in which can be seen from “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, “The Road Not Taken”, and “An Old Man’s Winter Night.”
Through the ingenious works of poetry the role of nature has imprinted the 18th and 19th century with a mark of significance. The common terminology ‘nature’ has been reflected by our greatest poets in different meanings and understanding; Alexander Pope believed in reason and moderation, whereas Blake and Wordsworth embraced passion and imagination.
The poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth is about the poet’s mental journey in nature where he remembers the daffodils that give him joy when he is lonely and bored. The poet is overwhelmed by nature’s beauty where he thought of it while lying alone on his couch. The poem shows the relationship between nature and the poet, and how nature’s motion and beauty influences the poet’s feelings and behaviors for the good. Moreover, the process that the speaker goes through is recollected that shows that he isolated from society, and is mentally in nature while he is physically lying on his couch. Therefore, William Wordsworth uses figurative language and syntax and form throughout the poem to express to the readers the peace and beauty of nature, and to symbolize the adventures that occurred in his mental journey.
In William Wordsworth’s poems, the role of nature plays a more reassuring and pivotal r ole within them. To Wordsworth’s poetry, interacting with nature represents the forces of the natural world. Throughout the three poems, Resolution and Independence, Tintern Abbey, and Michael, which will be discussed in this essay, nature is seen prominently as an everlasting- individual figure, which gives his audience as well as Wordsworth, himself, a sense of console. In all three poems, Wordsworth views nature and human beings as complementary elements of a sum of a whole, recognizing that humans are a sum of nature. Therefore, looking at the world as a soothing being of which he is a part of, Wordsworth looks at nature and sees the benevolence of the divinity aspects behind them. For Wordsworth, the world itself, in all its glory, can be a place of suffering, which surely occurs within the world; Wordsworth is still comforted with the belief that all things happen by the hands of the divinity and the just and divine order of nature, itself.