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Recommended: Essays on 9-11
In the Article From Terror to Hope it talks about a little girl involved with the event of 9/11 and her recovery from it. A little girl named Helaina has been involved in the tragedy of 9/11. After seeing the terrible things that happened, the twin towers being destroyed, she has developed post-traumatic stress disorder. She had nightmares about that terrible day. After hard work and treatment, she is doing well. Now she is 27 and a successful journalist. Even though what she went through was really tragic, there was still hope for her.
In the Essay Growing Up Muslim in Post 9/11 America a Muslim named RJ Khalaf shares his feeling of how to felt growing up after 9/11. Everyone think that Muslims caused 9/11. Well that isn’t the truth. Muslims are people who are
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In the article From Terror to Hope the girl Helaina sees the terrible things that occurred in 9/11 and develops Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but at 27 years old with hard work and treatment she gains hope that she will get better. This shows how she recovered from this terrible event. Another person that was affected by the terrible event was RJ Khalaf. He wrote the essay Growing Up Muslim in Post 9/11 America told his story of growing up as a Muslim after 9/11. Everyone thought that Muslims caused 9/11 and RJ Khalaf was a Muslim. So people thought he was a terrorist. RJ is trying to tell people that just because he’s a Muslim that doesn’t mean he is a terrorist. Just because some women are wearing hijab that doesn’t mean she is a terrorist, it just means she is following her religion. Some people 15 years later understand that the people who caused 9/11 aren’t Muslims they are terrorist which shows there is hope for the innocent Muslims to stop being called terrorist just because the are Muslims. This is how the titles of the story are
Hijacked planes were purposely flown into the twin towers in New York and killed about 3,000 innocent people. This was one of the most disastrous incident to ever occur during the era. After the release of who caused the attack, lots of people from the Islamic culture were the center of attention right after the event. They were falsely accused of being called terrorists without little to any evidence. It was mainly because of their appearance and beliefs. It was more like racism and stereotypes towards them. Society has painted them to be these terrorists because they were feared and immediately got the wrong idea when they approach them. The day the terrorist attack happened, it sparked a new beginning for their culture. They not only felt scared when they were around them, but they felt like they were going to become a part of a violent attack that they’re going to cause without them acknowledging it. It can be disrespectful and rude to assume they’re terrorist but they didn’t care. It was “[society] [who] feared what [they] don't understand. In a frenzied state of irrational behavior [they] will point fingers and name names and accuse the innocent because [they] are afraid” (Garcia). Society was terrified for their lives. They made them feel unwelcomed and unwanted. The fear exponentially rose and became a problem when they wanted to fly to a destination. Lots of “Americans became paranoid
They are a reminder of America’s long and deeply ambivalent history with Islam, Arabs, and the Middle East.” (Makdisi 1). Makdisi feels that the fear of Muslims was not always there; stating that Thomas Jefferson read the Quran and was very interested in the religion. Protestant missionaries wanted to save and convert the people that practiced Islam; the missionaries did not fear Muslims or Arabs (Makdisi 1). Makdisi goes on to say that the fear of Muslims did not start until the end of the 20th century mainly because the new wave of Immigration in the 1960’s. Makdisi says, “rather, the stigmatization of Arabs and Muslims occurred principally because of the politics in the Middle East and because of the enormously consequential United States role in the region” (Makdisi 1). Makdisi blames the United States ' involvement and support in Israel and states that the Iranian hostage situation was "similarly a direct response to the United States support for t he Shah of Iran” (Makdisi 1). Makdisi argues that the people of the United States were hurt by the policies our own country had in place. Both Lyre and Makdisi agree that the attacks on September 11th, 2001 only reinforced the stigma that was there and make it easier for the world to view all Muslims, Arabs, and all people from the Middle East in a negative
On September 11, 2001, since the terrorist attacks, many American Muslims have been stereotyped negatively in the United States. Salma, a Muslim woman, says that the way Muslims have been recognized in the media has played a big role in the antagonism directed at her. “I don’t know how many times I heard my classmates accuse me of being al-Qaeda or a terrorist” (Mayton 2013). Salma, along with other Muslims, even after a decade, are still struggling with trying to find their “American” and “Islamic” identities, while facing verbal attacks for their ethnicity. Too often, the general Muslim population gets lumped in with the immoral acts of a few because of the lack of knowledge about their culture.
The way Muslims have been treated after the 9/11 incident is very different than before. Before 9/11 there was certainly some discrimination towards Muslim Americans, but after the attacks happened, between the years 2000 and 2001, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported a 1,700 percent increase of hate crimes against Muslim Americans (Khan & Ecklund, 2012). “While trying to adapt to the outcome of 9/11, Muslim Americans dealt with an increase in negative stereotypes spoken by the common culture, and Muslim immigrants faced more negative attitudes than any other immigrant group” (Khan & Ecklund, 2012). Since the 9/11 attacks, people who dress with a substantial resemblance to Muslims worry about the upcoming hatred and unfriendliness from people of other ethnicities (Khan & Ecklund, 2012). While listening to the media, one can hear reports of negative stereotypes towards people who resemble the Muslim religion, which may be assumed that these people are violent. Negative attitudes that Muslim Americans experience may have detrimental effects on their success in America and their success of achieving the American Dream.
Suzanna Berne’s article “Where Nothing Says Everything” discusses the sequence of events that Berne encounters as she attempts to pay her respects to the 9/11 tragedy. From the elements within her writing, Berne demonstrates the significant meaning of the World Trade Center’s absence. It is from her personal experience and play on words that she is able to accurately express her thesis. Within her piece, Suzanna Berne comes to the conclusion that the impact of 9/11 on the American people forces them to unite in order to overcome the loss of the World Trade Center along with the people who went down with it.
¨We shall never forget, We shall keep this day, We shall keep the events and the tears In our minds, our memory and our hearts and take them with us as we carry on.¨ by: Anonymous (Memorial Website). An epic turn in history all around the world, around 3000 people lost their lives, the two world trade center’s crashed into pieces, the pentagon was crashed… all of this occurred on September 11, 2001. This date till today causes people to tear, as they remember themselves watching the event occur in person, TV or websites. The entire world was watching while it occurred. This attack caused a great impact all around the world, no one could believe what was happening and how. As soon as people got the news they realized that in a blink of an eye one of the biggest tragedies in the history of the United States of America had hit. This date caused negative impact on all kind of industries especially the aviation industry, in this paper you will learn exactly how this industry was affected.
For a second, the U.S. stood still. Looking up at the towers, one can only imagine the calm before the storm in the moment when thousands of pounds of steel went hurdling into its once smooth, glassy frame. People ran around screaming and rubble fell as the massive metal structure folded in on itself like an accordion. Wounded and limping from the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, America carried on, not without anger and fear against a group of innocent Americans, Muslim Americans. Nietzsche’s error of imaginary cause is present in the treatment of Muslim Americans since 9/11 through prejudice in the media, disregard of Muslim civil liberties, racial profiling, violence, disrespect, and the lack of truthful public information about Islam. In this case, the imaginary cause against Muslims is terrorism. The wound has healed in the heart of the U.S. but the aching throb of terrorism continues to distress citizens every day.
After 9/11 many people thought, people that come from Middle-Eastern decent or people that practice the Islamic region were looking to harm America. It changed these people’s lives and their futures. When someone is looking to get a job, housing or even education, first impressions are crucial. Since people look at them differently they can be denied all of these necessities. If someone is not granted these necessities, it is not fair but more importantly it can be hard to make an adequacy living. In
The September 11th attacks made us united as one powerful person who can stand up from the ruins of thousands pounds of metal and fight so that we wont have to be in ruins again. In the recent videos Osama bin Laden and his colleagues are talking about the power of Islam and the attacks on Twin Towers. It seems like Osama bin Laden and other radicals are ready for “Jihad” and they are ready to win. They say that Allah is on their side and people around the world want to learn more about Islam since the September 11th attacks. A good example was John Walker, an American who was with Taliban army man when he was captured. He was studying Muslim traditions in Pakistan where he joined Taliban. The other day I was watching “Dennis Miller Live” where I heard Dennis Miller talk about John Walker, he said that his parents should give him more then just spanking. This showed me that even today almost five months of 9/11 people still talk about it.
“ The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (also known as the Oklahoma City bombing) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on April 19, 1995, was a major act of domestic terrorism that killed 168 people, including women and children in the daycare on the first floor, and injured over 500 more.” (Netzley 1) The morning of April 19th, 1995, was a normal day for many people, kids were going to school, and adults were going to work. Many people were looking forward to the day because it was a day of many
Karen Armstrong’s essay out of her novel The Case for God is a logical piece of literature that uses formal expository writing to educate its readers on radical terrorism. Following 9/11, a significant amount of the public’s beliefs shifted to blaming all Muslims for the one attack, defining their religion as a danger to our countries. Armstrong never disagrees that the attack on 9/11 could be due to religious reasons, but demonstrates that this is radical terrorism and does not represent Islam at all. The organization of her essay builds upon using facts and her thesis, that is positively presenting Islamic values is more constructive on allowing our countries to have better relations, is supported through her academic style of writing. Armstrong
In the years after 9/11, sentiment toward American Muslims has become hostile. In 2002, violence against Muslims in the United States went up an astonishing 1600 percent (Lean 3). Statistics give a good idea of the overall effect of 9/11 on Muslim violence, but narratives can provide a much more personal and compelling account. Zeitoun by Dave Eggers present a frightening (yet real) story of dramatic injustice against a Muslim Syrian American during Hurricane Katrina. Zeitoun, the main character, is profiled, embarrassed, and jailed unjustly. In the text, we see that islamophobia manifests itself in the form of violence and discrimination. Kathy, Zeitoun’s wife, even says in Zeitoun that “any trip to the grocery store or mall presented the
In the short story "Terror" written by blaze Forbes the author uses vocabulary to create tension and suspense. He does this in his choice of vocabulary to describe justins feeling, justin's mother and the bowl of pumpkin soup that appears in the story
After 9/11 has induced negative attitudes towards Muslim peoples who tend to be strongly associated with any act of terrorism. The media has played a colossal role in developing such negative association wherein it constantly portrays Muslim people in combination with violent terrorist acts. It does so in a way that they both go hand-and-hand. In other words, it has made it as though the Islamic religion is synonymous with terrorism. The media has perpetuated Muslim stereotypes over the years that followed the 9/11 incident. Because of this, society has developed, and still has developed, this prejudiced mindset about the Islamic religion and the Muslim communities around the world. People immediately assume that any violent act being depicted through the media is the direct result of Muslims. They automatically generate this idea that the act was performed by a Muslim terrorist even when they were not involved whatsoever. Regardless of whether it was true or not, Islamic religion and its Muslim adherents are at the top of societies’ agenda just waiting for the evidence to be generated so that they can then safely blame them for such world affairs. Again, this has led to the attack on the Islamic religion itself wherein people have come to postulate Islam as an act of oppression, violence and hatred towards non-Muslims. Anti-Muslim sentiments and campaigns have resulted from such misinformation the media has been generating and feeding its viewers.
September 11, 2001 forever changed the landscape of the generalized view of the Muslim community in the United States; these acts created a defining stereotypical image that all Muslim’s are extreme terrorists, or condone such behavior. Although this view of the Muslim community was not necessarily new, it was not widely acknowledged in America until the events of September 11th as it was continually thrust upon the public by print and news media. This study will discuss the dichotomy between representations of the Muslim community held by many in the Western culture as well as the psychological cause and effect of such depictions. The sociological “norms” as determined by popular American culture, the development of “terrorist” stereotypes through modern media, and the cause and effect postcolonial literature has had on the subject are all topics that will be evaluated. The objective of this research is to provide enhanced comprehension of the situational attitudes held by Muslims and Americans alike. Also, this will offer an educated understanding of the gap between what is believed and what is factual, in hopes of creating emphasis for the need of a new approach in creating a discrimination free partnership with the Muslim community while maintaining awareness and security.