Frisbee Creative Writing

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“Look out!” Someone yelled as I saw a frisbee coming straight at me. I stood still for a moment as the bright orange disc was hurtling towards me in slow motion before I reacted. “Try aiming at the right person next time or maybe just stick to something like golf!” I yelled back after catching the frisbee and tossing it back to the two teenagers that were messing around across from the campus. While walking home from my last course of the semester at UCLA, I couldn’t help but let memories of my old best friend Carter Reid cloud my mind. Seeing those two kids fooling around with a frisbee brought the thought of him to my attention. It had been a little over a year since I had heard from him after graduating high school. I had always wondered …show more content…

He hadn’t really fit in well when it came to finding a clique in high school. Yes the geeks and nerds would have easily acctepted him, but he didn’t necessarily look like one of them, if you know what I mean. Carter had the body of a football player but he had never in his life once played sports. He never took an interest in it, he was more of a bookworm. A while after I got to know him, I found out that he was adopted. I kinda figured since he didn’t really look like his adoptive parents, but I assumed he would tell me when he felt comfortable. Carter was in an orphanage until he was around 11, that’s when Jack and Jill Reid discovered the old torn up building in Southern Italy. The couple had gone on a mission trip and found a few children in the shelter and offered to find them homes. Each child was welcomed to a new home, except for Carter since nobody wanted to adopt the oldest child that would soon become an adult in a few years. Jack and Jill were sort of happy that little Carter wasn’t adopted, because that gave them another reason to have a child in their home. The Reids have been trying for what seemed like ages to have children of their own, but were never successful, so in their case Carter was like a gold token for them since they would now have a family. Ever since Carter became the newest addition to the Reid family, he had been working hard to make them proud, and not only was this seen in his grades, but it was also displayed in his personality too. He had always strived to be the best and make his parents

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