Friendship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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What is Friendship? What is Innocence? What is Violence? Will, Friendship is a relationship between friends, Innocence is lack of guile or corruption; purity, and Violence is behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. In the book “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck talk about these three themes that center around these two mens during the “Great Depression”. To elaborate about these themes that they represented as Character , Setting and Symbols. The Friendship is about the Dream Farm (Symbol), Innocence is about Lennie (Character) and Violence is about The Barn (Setting). The Dream Farm, a good goal to achieve during the “Great Depression” since it was a tough time in history. Anyway, the …show more content…

So the character, Lennie represents innocence and the lack of achieve anything. In chapter 2 it shows, “Lennie cried out suddenly. I don’t like this place, George. This ain’t no good place. I wanna get outta here” (32). The following passage talks about how Lennie can feel a bad vibe in the bunkhouse that he really don’t like it too much so his very nervous around bad things. Another, quote is about how Lennie is open hearted “Well, I got a right to have a light. You go on get outta my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain’t wanted in my room. Why ain’t you wanted? Lennie asked. Cause I’m black”(68). By reading this passage it shows that Lennie is not prejudice, making him very caring just knowing that he doesn’t care what skin tone anyone have he will still care about them no matter what. Lennie represent Innocence because in the bunkhouse he really did nothing but, there is a lot of trouble makers that he can't go by so he wanted to get out of …show more content…

The Barn represent safety and the safety of man-made thing.According to Steinbeck,”but the barn was alive now. The horses stamped and snorted, and they chewed the straw of their bedding and they clashed the chains of their halters”(93). So the horses was reacting to some pretty bad things that was going on in the barn. Steinbeck words,” I was jus’ playin’ with’ he made like he’s gonna bite me… an’ I made like i was gonna smack’’ I done it. An’ then he was dead”(87). The quote that i talked about shows that Lennie had killed a little puppy and that he really can’t take care of a little pet. Speaking about the barn, it represent violence because how Lennie killed an animal in the barn and also he killed Curley's wife that's why the horses was going crazy. So the barn is the place where bad things

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