Friendship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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George and lennie's Friendship were based on lies as george said lennie was kicked in the head by a horse and made him as he was, but lennie says this wasn't true. Even though george and lennie are not cousins or even related, George takes care of lennie for unknown reasons. George says he promised his Aunt Clara but its was never confirmed, its possible george knew lennie wouldn't last long on his own and end in a asylum or worst hanged or shot in the gut. When chapter starts George is shown teaching the dangers of drinking still water and carrying a dead mouse and apologizes for upsetting. A key in the entire story is lennie keep asking george about the Rabbits and george retells the story. We also find out bits of details of what happened in weed as the story goes on, Lennie was mesmerized by a velvet dress that a lady was wearing and grab too hard and scared the girl and himself, he grabbed harder and didn't let go, this resulted in george hitting lennie with a fence picket to make him let go, the girl want to the police and says she was raped by lennie and resulted in a mob going after lennie. …show more content…

As the story progresses their friendship is put through strain as challenges come up, like the boss finding out lennie is slow when lennie talked and george had to vouch for him at the risk of both of them getting fired. Then when we meet curley, who is a small guy who is built like a light weight boxer and always picks a fight with a bigger than him and set his sights on lennie so george tells him not to get provoked by him and ignore but fight back when he has

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