Making an adjustment coming from high school to college can be frightening. During college, most of your habit is most likely to change. This includes any study habits you’ve developed, most of your friends have a different way of adapting than you do, and the activities you portray in. A major concept that changes drastically is how one decides to eat and the amount of exercise one decides to participate in. The freshman 15, is a risk that most people believe is fake. Gaining an extra 15 pounds can reduce your good health intake while becoming a threat for most of the first year. The freshman 15 means that freshman gain relatively around 15 pounds during their first years of college. This usually happens when one decides to take in their intake …show more content…
In a study directed by Jung, they explain “The transition to university can disrupt established eating and physical activity patterns among young women. Although the assumption that an increased intake of calories leads to the Freshman 15 weight gain is intuitively appealing” (Jung). This shows that most freshmen do find a disturbance in their eating habits and physical activity intake. The effects are the increase of weight and having the thought process of having a relatively small self-image of yourself. As a result, to eating unhealthily and developing this trait throughout college, it can affect you in a long-term sequence, such as obesity. Arouchon explains, “females are more likely to gain weight, be less physically active, and considering their diets to be only somewhat healthy or only slightly healthy” (Arouchon). This further goes on to describe how women become overweight and how it can lead to obesity. There is even the unhealthy choice of becoming anorexic and bulimic. The most relevant solution to the freshman 15 leads to becoming more aware. Becoming aware of what you eat, how much you sleep, and exercise is the most reliable solution for avoiding the freshman
Desai, William C. Miller, Betty Staples and Terrill Bravender. I believed that this was a credible source because all of the authors have a medical degree. This article provided similar data saying that the percentage of people ages 12 to 19 who were overweight or obese rapidly increased from 5% to 17% between 1976 and 2002 (Desai 109). From this document I learned that college years are known to influence the forms of our adult behaviors including diet, physical activity, and other habits. Being a college student, I knew that college was going to change my work ethic and ability to do achieve new responsibilities but I did not know that it could actually greatly affect our weight. In the source it states that results from “both the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey" show that the transition to adulthood, a high number of people become obese and remain obese (Desai 109). One way I thought of this transformation was the freshman fifteen. The source was able to identify patterns of obesity but they still have not fully discovered examples of obese behaviors. However, the authors of this paper were able to perform a study to at least suggest some examples of behaviors related to obesity. They examined data collected from an electronic survey
Healthy living is vital to a happy life and to a degree, chances are higher of being healthy. With information from CA Career Briefs (2014) we learn, “As a college grad, you are less likely to be obese. Plus, you will exercise more vigorously, more often.” This is accompanied by the graphic showing the chances of working out are 50% higher.
The debate has been going on for years. Is it normal or should you be concerned about the freshman 15. The freshman 15 is a term known for the around fifteen or plus pounds a typical college student gains during their first year of college. The usual argument is that college students are unprepared for life on their own and that once they have control they make eating healthy their last priority. However, an article from the Huffington Post suggests otherwise; that in fact it is not the students fault but the schools and their overwhelming smorgasbord of unhealthy food choices.
Racette, S.B., Deusinger, S.S., Strube, M.J., Highstein, G.R., & Deusinger, R.H. (2005). Weight changes, exercise, and dietary patterns during freshman and sophomore years of college. Journal of American College Health, 53(8), 245-251.
Every year thousands of students are recruited to be student athletes at colleges and every year approximately 8 million individuals suffer from eating disorders. According to Psychology Applied to Modern Life, eating disorders are defined as “severe disturbances in eating behavior characterized by preoccupation with weight and unhealthy efforts to control weight (Weiten, Dunn, Hammer, 2011, p. 470).” Eating disorders can include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. With risk factors such as low self esteem, pressure from family, friends and coaches and access to unlimited to food it is no wonder that collegiate athletes have higher rates of eating disorders than regular college students. Living in a dorm full of mostly athletes it has become extremely apparent to me that these athletes struggle with immense of pressure and one way of getting around this pressure is bulimia. Certain sports put more pressure on athletes to be a certain size and perform at a certain level than others.
Experts who study the concept of the “Freshman 15” are deeply divided in their findings. Some downplay the significance of the problem of freshman weight gain, basing their findings only on the average weight gain among college students. In a study done by the Journal of American College Health, found that of the 59 percent of students who gained weight the average increase was only 4.6 pounds. They concluded their study by stating that they believed the Freshman 15 is a myth, based upon that premise (Graham, and Jones). The truth is that fifty-nine percent of the students studied did gain weight, and not all students are going to gain exactly fifteen pounds. Other experts do however believe that weight gain among college freshman is a very serious problem. Registered dietitian Ann Selkowitz Litt recently authored, “The College Students Guide to Eating Well on Campus,” which is designed to help college students make the right eating choices. On an online chat with several college students on USA Today’s website she stated that “College students now are gaining the "freshman 20" or "freshman 25.” She blames the growing problem on erratic eating habits, the drinking large quantities of alcoh...
[3] Levitsky, D. A., C. A. Halbmaier, and G. Mrdjenovic. “The Freshman Weight Gain: A Model for the Study of the Epidemic of Obesity.” International Journal of Obesity28.11 (2004): 1435-442. Print.
In order to take a sociological viewpoint into account when one examines obesity, first it is important to understand how obesity is recognized in current society. According to today’s news articles and magazines and advertisements and other mass media about health and healthy life, one can easily realize that a great number of people have an eagerness to be healthy. Also, one can assume through these mass media about health that everyone wants to be attractive, and they are even prone to transform their own behaviors to gain attractiveness. This is because most people live a life where social interaction is frequently required and must engage themselves into social interaction every day of their life. Therefore, based on these ideas and proofs throughout this mass media, obesity is regarded as one of the characteristics that is disgraceful and undesirable in society.
One of the problems that cause weight gain is the lack of parental supervision over what the student consumes. In college, a student can easily stock themselves in fatty snacks such as Twinkies, cookies, chocolate, and chips. Also, the all-you-can-eat buffet seems to most likely run out of the pizza, french fries, and ice cream before the salad. A students schedule sometimes plays a factor in the consuming of too many snacks. If a student is in a hurry, he or she will grab a pop tart and be out of the door with a 200 calorie breakfast. A student should keep away from the high-fat snacks and concentrate on salubrious foods. At the cafeteria, a student should try to eat salads and attempt to eat new kinds of foods since the buffet has so much to offer. And for food on-the-go, one should try to buy healthy snacks or try to wake up earlier ...
Relevance: Weight problems are something a lot of people struggle with in college. I.E.; Freshman 15. And being healthy in college can really help people deal with other stuff better. Because when you don’t have to worry about your health you can focus on exams and homework more.
...ipong, Paul, and Heidi Burkey. "Body mass Index and Body Size Perception: A normalizing of overweight and obesity among diverse college students." Californian Journal of Health Promotion 9.1 (2011): 18-24. Retrieved from
For some people college is where they are at their unhealthiest due to the lack of time and other
Starting college has affected many of my habits, mainly study habits. The first couple months of classes went by so smoothly and I felt like I was adjusting fine. I attended class regularly and took notes from the lectures. I knew that college was different than high school but I continued with the norm. Now, that the mid-term grades have been posted I have realized that College required more time management and consistency within the study habits. My mid-term grades have changed my mind set. I have designated certain days of the week for “study time” for each class hoping for improvement.
The research question on the above topic that the paper seeks to answer is how does student perceive weight lost? The research question looks at four most important ideas emerging from the topic that concerns how some students inaccurately perceive their weight. Inaccurate weight perception may affect their dietary patterns and their overall health wellbeing (Collins, Bentez, 2009). Inaccurate weight perception may lead to some obese students to ignore shedding off some pounds but continue to add weight. Individuals who misperceived their weight requirements for reduction feel they were at a more advantage than others their age
Though it's different in many ways from high school, there is still pressure at college to "fit in" and to be liked by others. There is often peer pressure to do things you wouldn't normally do "because this is college" and you are trying to meet new friends. While a trip to Wal-Mart at 3am or staying up late with friends while trying to eat your weight in cookie dough maybe fun new things to try, driving while blindfolded because of a sorority dare or trying cocaine "because this is college" and definitely not good choices. Listen to your common sense.