French Revolution Research Paper

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“No Nation has devoted more effort than did the French in 1789 to distinguish, as it were, the two periods of their destiny, to create a gulf between what they had been up to that point, and what they sought to be form then on.” The eighteenth century was a time of distress, frustration, and anger throughout France. This tension emerged from years of poor leadership and government neglect from both the French nobility and the French royalty. There were many different contributing factors that led to French Revolution. The French Revolution of 1789 steamed from the financial crisis, the social inequalities, and the growth in population.

The French parliament was built in such a way that it was hard to change out of the traditions that they held. Before the Revolution in France began, they were already in debt because of the Seven Years War and the rejection of debt-relief propositions. “When Louis XVI assumed the French throne upon the death of his grandfather, the country was facing a pronounced fiscal emergency…New sources of taxes were desperately needed, but those individuals and institutions most able to pay - the aristocracy and the church - constantly refused…” In the late 1700’s the French nobility began to overuse their authority and refused to pay taxes themselves. The lower class were the only people who taxes were collected from. …show more content…

Louis XVI was the king during the French Revolution and he accumulated a lot of debt for the country, under him was the estates general who did a majority of the work. “The separation of classes was the crime of the old monarchy…” The Nobles had more say than any other of the estates. All classes bumped heads, and the Bourgeoisie was confident with how they believed they should be

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