French Revolution Dbq

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During the French Revolution, France initial plan was to become a better constitution. Louis XVI wanted to reform France, so he made all the three estates prepare cahiers. Some reforms people wanted were fairer taxes, freedom of the press, and regular meetings of the Estates-General. Cahiers allowed Louis XVI to know the problems that the people wanted to fix. With more knowledge of what the public wanted, there would be a bigger chance that they could be fixed. The Tennis Court Oath showed that the Third Estate wanted the chance to have a say in the government and how taxes should be lowered on ordinary items. As time passed the government did many things, like The Constitution of 1791 which set up a limited monarchy. After some time, France goes through a radical phase and violence breaks out and many people were killed. …show more content…

He believed that everyone should follow the Republic rule and if they complained, one of the secret policies could hear you. They would either execute or arrest you. During this time about 300,000 citizens were arrested and 17,000 were executed. These people once supported the Revolution and Robespierre didn’t like the people who thought that way. February 5, 1794, Robespierre gave one of his speeches he said “Hail to the Republic” or “Death to the traitors”. The Reign of Terror only lasted for a year but, during this time people were arrested or executed. During, the Reign of Terror France transformed back to the way it was before the revolution started. Robespierre changes France back to its original state, the state that everyone wanted to get out

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