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Relationship between Britain and the colonies
Thomas Paine's concerns
Causes and effects of french and indian war
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The French and Indian War could be positively viewed as a moment of victory in which Britain and the Colonists strengthen their relationship. However, their relation worsened after the war because it made the political government of Britain much more stricter, caused the economy to flood with bankruptcy, (making Britain impose more taxes than ever) and severely changed the gratefulness of the colonies to resentment or hatred towards Britain. Therefore, the war caused a significant change in the relation of government, money, and ideas between Britain and the colonists.
After the war many things within the society of America and Britain itself, started to change or were altered by the consequences of this battle between two countries,
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and the natives of course. France had been removed and the vast open lands of the west now lay open to the Colonists, or so they believed because shortly after, the government's alteration in form of strictness tightened on them and the colonists soon realized that Britain wanted to have things their way. Britain threw away the salutary neglect they had so far been complying to with the Colonists and started to want to put foot in the colonies even though they were miles and miles away. On October 7th, 1763 (shortly after the end of the war,) King George III issued a Royal Proclamation towards the colonies in which he let them know that the territory they had acquired after the war was not to be settled in. The following excerpts are from the “Proclamation Of 1763” as listed in the works cited, “And whereas it is just and reasonable, and essential to our Interest, and the Security of our Colonies, that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected, and who live under our Protection, should not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories….--We do therefore, with the Advice of our Privy Council, declare it to be our Royal Will and Pleasure. that no Governor or Commander in Chief in any of our Colonies of Quebec, East Florida. or West Florida, do presume, upon any Pretence whatever, to grant Warrants of Survey, or pass any Patents for Lands beyond the Bounds of their respective Governments. as described in their Commissions:” In other words, the dedication, time, pain, and effort the colonies took into fighting the French, gave no compensation to the colonists. The political strictness and economic issues were issues that were coming together and making the colonies very upset or angered, and it had already been quite enough for the colonists to be paying a heavy amount of taxes, which were also a result of the war of course, on many of their valuable items. (Some of these taxes, and rules too, included the Sugar and the Stamp Act, Navigation Acts, Wool Act, Hat Act, the Proclamation of 1763, the Quartering Act, Townshend Acts and the Coercive Intolerable Acts.It was even a bit more angering that the Parliament refused to raise taxes in England to help the colonists, all of the debt of the war was going to be paid by the colonists. But the Royal Proclamation really started a heavy problem between England and the Colonists. These taxes, and proclamations were the starting road to revolution. Anyways, continuing with the first arguing point,(which ties in the economy and governments aftermath,) taxes and orders. Why is it that taxes were a big problem for the colonies? Didn’t it seem normal enough that everything has to be repaid after a big war? Well of course all of this is true however, the true arguing point that colonists fought for, as explained by historians, was their representation in parliament. The following excerpt is from a page in the works cited (Effects of the War), that has many resources and explains in detail the colonies resentment, “Apart from the fear of economic hardship and disaster a more fundamental objection came to the fore: Parliament's right to tax the colonies was being challenged. This was an important turning point in the American attitude because from now on opposition was not only based on practical politics, but increasingly became grounded on fundamental juridical and theoretical objections, which challenged British sovereignty in its very core.” It’s easy to see the true meaning behind what that paragraph is explaining, “Parliament's right to tax the colonies was being challenged,” it was being neglected by the colonies who believed that they weren’t receiving the representation in parliament that they deserved and this was due to the fact of taxes once again. A proclamation and many taxes imposed after the war, there wasn’t much the colonies could think of that would outrage them but the King made matters worse. He increased the governor's power in each colony and may I remind that he appoints the governor therefore implementing himself in every colony through a governor he appoints. So far we’ve gone through all the political and economic factors that became very different after the war, but aside anger and distress that the colonists felt about the changing structure it also made a change within their hearts and their minds.
It didn’t take long for the colonies to go into a lasting conflict with their common enemy, Britain. (But the fighting part of the war didn’t really begin until a few years later at the Battle of Lexington and Concord.)They did anything they could to resist the Britain laws, acts and stamps. From boycotting goods that Britain was imposing taxes on or simply having tea parties... (See what I did there?:) Everything represented the changes they were undergoing in America because of what the French and Indian War made the colonies realize. That realization of course was their common enemy and the struggle they were going to have to make for their independence. It was men like Thomas Paine though that helped establish these goals in our war, when in 1776 he published “Common Sense.” A pamphlet that was urging the colonists to understand that there were two goals in our fight, independence from Britain and the establishment of a democratic republic but that wasn’t all however, his pamphlet also went through the evil of the government and how there was no reconciliation with Britain . A famous phrase from his pamphlet Common Sense quotes, “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer…” This is all a common idea between many men that helped found this country and Thomas Paine, government is a necessary evil that is intolerable at some points. Shortly after the publication of Common Sense the Second Continental
Congress met in Philadelphia in order to write the Declaration Of Independence establishing many important points that the colonies felt were essential in order for them to become their own nation. Such as the right for life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The following excerpt from the Declaration Of Independence stating the most famous and important points of their core values, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…”(This was their changing ideological relationship after the French and Indian War!)It’s the only way to explain it. They were going through all the bad things that they wrote they were against in their declaration and constitution in order to prevent this from ever happening again. The French and Indian War was truly an opening into what would become America, it’s what established a base for what would lift us up and through the revolution. It only makes sense that the French and Indian War had a lasting effect on America. After piecing things together and truly looking at the effects of the French and Indian war it really goes further than taxes and proclamations. It takes us through the shape changing phases of America that went through an economy overflowing with debt, the constricting of government, and the bravery and resemblance to change the mind and heart together and realize that living under Britain was never going to be the same. ALL of this, an effect of the Seven Year War.
After the French and Indian War, Great Britain was in tremendous debt and had additional land to rule. By cause of their debt and their obligation to their new land, they began to put taxes on the colonists living in that land. The colonists were enraged because they were getting taxed without representation in British Parliament. Two acts that caused some of these reactions are the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts. Overall, British actions after 1763 caused numerous reactions from the colonists, which led to the American Revolution.
The French and Indian War changed the economic, political, and ideological relations between Great Britain and the American colonies in many ways. Politically the colonist felt like they were deprived of representation, when Great Britain imposed unfair taxation without any say. Economically, many colonist were infuriated with the British because the British were starving them of many resources and making high taxes and tariffs. Ideologically, it brought feelings of discontent towards Britain. Boycotts during the war opened the eyes of the colonist. It showed them they had the ability to make a change and proved that they could unite together. The colonist no longer viewed Great Britain as the great mother country, but as a tyrant who looked to feed on the American colonies new sense of life.
When the colonies were being formed, many colonists came from England to escape the restrictions placed upon them by the crown. Britain had laws for regulating trade and collecting taxes, but they were generally not enforced. The colonists had gotten used to being able to govern themselves. However, Britain sooned changed it’s colonial policy because of the piling debt due to four wars the British got into with the French and the Spanish. The most notable of these, the French and Indian War (or the Seven Years’ War), had immediate effects on the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain, leading to the concept of no taxation without representation becoming the motivating force for the American revolutionary movement and a great symbol for democracy amongst the colonies, as Britain tried to tighten their hold on the colonies through various acts and measures.
The distance between the colonies and England is what led to most of the political strife in 1776. Paine argued that having a government so far away trying to rule from was deplorable. He urged colonists to be outraged, as he was, that when any issue would arise it would take 3-4 months for the English government to find a solution and start working on fixing the problem. Paine called for independence to create a government that would be run by the people and for the people, not by one single tyrannical leader. He rallied for a government that was in America and that had representatives from every one of the colonies so that all the colonist’s voices would be heard. Paine urged the colonists to see “Our prayers have been rejected with disdain; and hath tended to convince us that nothing flatters vanity or confirms obstinacy in Kings more than repeated petitioning”, and it was now time to fight for independence to create a government that would listen (Paine, Common Sense,
The French and Indian war left Great Britain with debt. The British then began to tax the colonies. The colonists were unhappy with this taxation because they were being taxed without representation. One act that lead to tensions was the Tea Act. There were several British actions that caused colonial reactions, eventually leading to the formation of the United States.
Through many means of protest such as the Boston Tea Party, boycotting British goods and products, and the formation of many protest groups such as the Sons and Daughters of Liberty that made it possible for the colonists to fight off the English influence. The Boston Tea Party in Boston was a major factor when it came to the independence of America because it showed that the colonists could work together and formulate a plan such as disguising themselves as Mohawk Indians to intimidate the enemy and successfully dispose of hundreds of barrels of tea into the Boston Harbor. Now with cause comes effect, the cause was that the English had lost a lot of money and profit once the tea was disposed of, but the major reaction of the English was to retaliate. England had sent an increase in troops to the colonies to oversee what was happening with the formulation of protests and the British government had also passed the Intolerable Act, which closed down the harbor to repair any damage caused by the actions of the Boston Tea Party, and made it so that more restrictions were put on the colonists for their actions. As a result of this act being put into place, the colonists had also retaliated by forming the First Continental Congress which was a meeting of the delegates of the thirteen colonies except Georgia because Georgia was a state that homed debtors and criminals. As stated in Document E, “A Declaration by the Representative of the United Colonies of North America, now met in Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms.” This has showed that the colonists would do anything and everything within their power to rid the colonies of the oppressive and selfies rule of the British empire forever even if it meant violence and death would be a result of their
An oppressed people will eventually rise against the oppressor regardless of loyalties they may have had in the past to their oppressor. Humans can only withstand so much oppression before eventually reaching a breaking point-a fact the British Empire failed to realize when they took oppressive actions on their colonies that would cause conflict and culminate into the American Revolution. After claiming victory in the French-Indian War, the British decided to implement policies and taxes in the colonies the colonists that the colonists considered illegal due to lack of their consent. While initially, the colonists did attempt more peaceful and logical alternatives to resolve their discontent with the British Empire, eventually more oppressive taxes and violent events culminated to a full Revolution. Before the revolution, the British had incurred debt from the French-Indian War and needed to raise money: they turned to the colonies as a source of income.
The American colonists’ disagreements with British policymakers lead to the colonist’s belief that the policies imposed on them violated of their constitutional rights and their colonial charters. These policies that were imposed on the colonist came with outcome like established new boundaries, new internal and external taxes, unnecessary and cruel punishment, and taxation without representation. British policymakers enforcing Acts of Parliament, or policies, that ultimately lead in the colonist civil unrest, outbreak of hostilities, and the colonist prepared to declare their independence.
Great Britain emerged from the Treaty of Paris triumphant; France had been chased out of most of North America and Britain had won control of the eastern third of the continent. However, while the war was a military success, its effects caused trouble for Britain and its American colonies. The war had altered the political and economic landscape, and the changes opened an ideological divide between the two peoples that caused the Colonists to question their ties to Britain. So while the French and Indian War was a success militarily for Great Britain, it brought about the beginnings of the American Revolution.
From 1754 to 1763, the French and Indian War took place. This war altered the political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies. It was the last of four North American wars waged from 1689 to 1763 between the British and the French. In these struggles, each country fought for control of the continent with the assistance of Native American and colonial allies. The French and Indian War occurred to end the land dispute between the British and French. Whoever won, in reality, gained an empire. It was a determined and eventually successful attempt by the British to get a dominant position in North America, the West Indies, and the subcontinent of India. Although Britain had won all this land, political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies were totally annihilated.
One of the main ones is about the government. Paine states “That government sole purpose is to protect life, liberty and property, and that a government should be judged solely on the basis of the extent to which it accomplishes this goal.” (Common Sense) Then reading what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence which states “These rights include the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When a government fails to protect those rights, it is not only the right but also the duty of the people to overthrow that government.” (Declaration of Independence) In both of these it states that they were doing what was in the best interest for the people. It was a check and balance system. It may not have started out as a great one but it was a start. However, the colonist did feel that British government was to complex. The colonist were seen as being rebels because they were standing up for what they felt was right. This is one of the big reasons the United States became
Britain established a series of acts to control the colonies and this became the main cause of the revolution. These acts enabled Britain to increase the colony's taxes and pay for the costs of the seven years war. In addition, Britain angered the colonies by maintaining a large army in North America after peace was restored in 1773. The British also enforced a Stamp Act, which placed taxes on commercial and legal products. To further add to the frustration, the British controlled the shipping of goods and re-routed shipments to avoid going through London middlemen, who sold to independent merchants in the colonies. The final cause of the American Revolution was the addition of the Coercive Acts, which closed the port of Boston and cut back the local elections and town meetings. Thomas Paine summarized the colony's emotions towards the British and published a pamphlet, “Common Sense.” In this pamphlet he mocks Great Britain, a small island thousands of miles away, that controls a large country that should have independence.
	Thomas Paine’s "Common Sense" played a large part in the separation from England. Paine thought the colonies had the right to revolt against a government that imposed taxes on them but didn’t give them the right to represent them in the current government. Thomas believed there was no reason for the Colonies to stay dependent on England. He had an awesome way of persuading people to take action through his writing. Paine says that sooner or later independence from England must come, because America had lost touch with the mother country. All the arguments for separation of England are based on nothing more than the facts and arguments. Paine saw the government as a possessed demon that could only become good when it was represented truthfully and changed by elections. He uses argumentation, in that the writer presents and logically supports a particular view or opinion. Paine uses motivation by which people’s values, desires, wishes, and needs are mentioned. His writing’s brought courage in a time of need to people who wanted to become independent. At the time that Paine wrote "Common Sense" the colonies were still thinking about declaring their independence from Great Britain. Some people told their leaders in the Continental Congress to act against separation from the mother country, which made thousands of colonists undecided about what to do. Today’s Government of the United States is similar to that of England in the 1770’s. They are similar in ways such as taxes and basic ways of living. Both control our rate of taxes without our say in the matter.
The French and Indian War or the Seven Years War was one of the major events that led to the American Revolution. The French and Indian War started in 1754 when George Washington and General Edward Braddock tried to defend the British land that they felt the French were taking with their expansion into the Ohio River valley. In 1755 Governor William Shirley of Massachusetts had many French settlers in the Nova Scotia region moved from that region to avoid any confrontation if these settlers sided with their home country. These people were exiled from their home and moved into British colonies in a very cruel and violent fashion. This is one of the first examples of Britain’s oppressive nature towards people they consider a threat to what they feel is the best solution. The British military effort, at this time, was not as impassioned or successful. Both George Washington and General Braddock suffered major defeats at the hands of the French and their allies, General Braddock was even killed in one of the early battles before this war was officially started. It was not until later in the war that the British were able to successfully defeat the French. The war officially began in 1756 and ended in 1763 but this war is far less important than the major event it caused. More than anything this war was the first step to the American Revolution.
This event made a huge impact on American history. British and American colonies are loyal to their countries. Some people weren’t respected. There were taxes so that the money can go to the government. The colonies had to understand that the pressure of the war was going to be equal with power. The result of the French and Indian war changed the relations between Britain and its American colonies politically and economically.