Why We Should Hate Speech Be Banned Essay

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The First Amendment is known as the most protected civil liberty that protects our right to freedom of speech. There has been much controversy regarding hate speech and laws that prohibit it. These problems have risen from generation to generation and have been protested whether freedom of speech is guaranteed. According to our text book, By the People, hate speech is defined as “hostile statements based on someone’s personal characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.” Hate speech is a topic of issue for many people and their right’s, so the question is often proposed whether hate speech should be banned by government. There are many advantages as to why the government should ban hate speech. One of the biggest reasons that people give is that it could create a safe zone that protects all individuals, no matter their gender, race, or ethnicity, from harm and violence. Harm and violence are two of the main leading effects of hate speech. A lot of times people get so worked up about sharing their opinion that they feel violence is the only way to get their point across. To help expand on the idea of creating a safe space from hate speech, the textbook briefly touches on …show more content…

Our textbook clearly says that, “everyone has the right to an opinion – even if it is a horrible opinion. We can punish criminal behavior. We should never punish people for simply expressing their views.” The First Amendment made it possible for people to voice their opinion whether it be hurtful or not. In today’s society hate speech is commonly seen and expressed during government elections or protests, which is protected by the government because the words are political. If we were to consider the David Law, the two men were only punished for their actions, rather than their harmful words. This supports the quote about how we can punish for crime but not

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