Free Range Farming Advantages

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Free range farming can be defined as farming that allows animals to roam around outside at least some of the day, compared to poultry farming where they are kept indoors.For animals to be classified as free range they have to live at least half their lives outside. The advantages of free range farming are numerous ;one of which is that the products from the animals will be more desirable if the consumers know that the animals have had a better quality of life compared to factory farming where the animals are confined to cramped wire cages and packed into filthy windowless sheds by the thousands,feed hormones such as zeranol,trenbolone acetate and will have no quality of life at all.Another advantage is that Free range farming is the closest …show more content…

16000“Free range” chickens in Britain for example are crammed into a shed.The only thing that might pass as free range is the outdoor run that the chickens might be able to get to if they push past the other 15,995 chickens that share their shed. We buy free range eggs thinking that they have spent all their life roaming around outside when clearly that is not the case. On the other hand free range farming may not be so bad after all as hens in factory farms are only given an average of 48 square inches of space and egg-laying hens are sometimes starved for up to 14 days. Exposed to changing light patterns and given no water in order to shock their bodies into molting. It’s common for 5% to 10% of hens to die during the forced molting process.In adition to this at least pigs in free range farming can actually move.Pigs in factory farming are in cages so small thay can’t turn around and are able to suckle their young. Free range farmed animals may be able to range around outside but they get slaughtered at an earlier age.Cows at the third lactation.Chickens at eighteen months.Pigs are ready for slaughter from a mere sixteen weeks of age.If allowed to life to a full life pigs can live up to 15 years of age.Innocent animals lives are cut short just for

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