Free Argumentative Essays-The Squid And Whale !

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The Squid and Whale! ! ! In the depths of the ocean, there are two major beasts who have a massive struggle to survive. One is a mollusk, the other, a mammal.! ! A pod of sperm whales cruises through the surface of the ocean. A new little face pokes itself out of the adult sperm whales and, like all mammals, the calf is very curious about the world around him. Sperm whales can be 70 feet long, and are the world’s biggest predator. Still, they, like all predators, have a huge struggle to survive, and follow the law of the wild lands, hunt or be hunted.! !! Defense Against Predators! ! ! A sperm whale may be the largest predator, but that will not stop their predators from attacking it. Since prehistoric times, with a shark called megalodon, …show more content…

The other predator has been Homo Sapien, the scientific name for humans.! ! Whaling has been a hobby for many people who shoot whales with large guns. (Not too big!)It is against the law in most countries, but sometimes people get away with it. Hunting animals that are endangered and protected by a country is called poaching.! ! Biologists have theories why sperm whales dive very deep. They are actually the only mammals that can dive to such a depth. There have been sightings of dead or sick giant squid that are found at over 30 feet, but the only live ones found are about twelve feet. Every adult sperm whale is scarred from something with claws that are strong enough to slice the sperm whale’s tough skin, as tough as a rhino’s! The creature would have to be pretty smart, too, if it were to even scratch the sperm whale, because the sperm whale has the biggest brain in the world!! ! The calves, however, must stay behind until a certain age, because these dives are very dangerous. As the pod’s adults dive deep below the surface, their young calf stays near the surface like a good boy. There is one big problem. A pod of killer whales has been tracking the pod of sperm whales. This pod of sperm whales is not old, and they have a lot to

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