Fredi Lajvardi's Speech Summary

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Speaker: The speaker Fredi Lajvardi is a marine sciences teacher at Carlton High School, who received his Bachelor of Arts in Education from Arizona State University. He is one of the teachers the book and movie by the same name “Spare Parts” is about as well as the documentary “Underwater Dreams” a lot of his speech was based off of personal experience both in the classroom and working with the Carlton High School Underwater Robotics Team.

Setting: The speaker’s normal speech he explained at the beginning runs just over an hour and here he was given 50 minutes. The time limit became a global decision factor for him. So he adapted it a little and cut out some of his video support materials to reduce time. He gave the speech in the Leadership Studies McVay Family Town Hall on Friday Novemeber 4th, 2016 from 4-5 pm. The room had working audio and video technology equipment so the audience was able to hear him and easily view all of his support materials. If the speaker made any other adjustments to his speech or speaking style due to setting …show more content…

Audience Outcomes: To motivate the audience that can make a difference in the life’s of their students.

Thesis: Becoming a successful teacher takes trial and error.

Main Points: Mr. Lajvardi talked about the problem he saw in the classroom that students weren’t engaged and they didn’t inherently want to learn, he talked about his period of trial and error to get a broad population of students involved, he talked about what success looked like.

Support Materials: He used numerous narrations, powerpoint, and videos.

Delivery: His delivery was engaging. He wore a clip on microphone and would walk up closer to the audience and make eye contact with everyone as he went by. When he showed a clip or video he stepped back with the audience and watched it as well, which kept him from distracting the audience and put him on common

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