Franz Kafka Research Paper

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Author’s Work Based on His Life
Franz Kafka is known for many of his famous stories, but the “Metamorphosis” is written by him through his personal relationship and experience. Published in year of 1915, the short story seems to be twisted life of Kafka. There are many ideas and elements in the story that seem to be influenced from his life. As stated in his biography, the relationship with his dad is one of the force that influences Kafka to write many of his stories including the “Metamorphosis.”
Kafka’s dad, Hermann, wanted him to become a businessman. But his son was interested in becoming a writer. While he worked for a government job, he also published his first short fiction in a literary magazine. Later onward, he began publishing short stories which were usually elements from his own life. But these accomplishments did not ease the rough relationship with his dad. Due to the difference in the viewpoint, Kafka was …show more content…

One of the connections involve the father and son relationship. As mentioned before, Kafka’s relationship with his dad was unpleasant. This idea is echoed in the story at the moment we are introduced to Gregor Samsa’s father. At that part, we are shown how short tempered his dad is. At the end of chapter 1, Kafka mentions how Gregor’s dad "came on, hissing like a wild man" (Kafka 18) when Gregor exits his room in his new state as an insect. His father then chases after him with a cane and newspaper while making a hissing noise that annoys him. From this passage above, it demonstrates how alike Mr. Samsa and Hermann Kafka are. This was exactly what Kafka intended on doing to make the readers understand what his dad was like. When Mr. Samsa sees what has happened to Gregor, he is immediately angered, either out of confusion or disappointment towards his son transformation. The same situation is relevant with Kafka’s

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