Frankenstein: Similarities Between The Book And The Movie

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The book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the old movie of Frankenstein are very different. While they are very different there are also some similarities. In all, the old movie does not accurately show what the book is describing in the slightest. The old movie has the excuse of older technology in contrast to the technology available today. But it still could of portrayed what actually happened in the book extremely better. This essay is meant to describe the similarities and differences, even though the differences could be a full page in length.
Even though there were few similarities between the book and the old movie, there still were some. One similarity would be that Victor was a great scientist and that he was infatuated with the concept of death and life. hence him creating the creature. Another similarity would be that the creature was actually created, now the setting and location it was created is entirely different from the book. But the creature was actually created. Apart from these it really is very difficult to come up with any other similarities. It was very difficult to come up with many similarities because the movie was so different from the book. …show more content…

There was a vast amount of differences between the old movie and the book. One would be that in the book Victor had gone to university and got a lab and created the creature there while in the movie the creature was made in an old abandoned castle type structure. Another difference would be that in the movie Victor and his apparent best friend acted more like they hated one another and Henry was trying to steal elizabeth from Victor. While in the movie Henry was Victor's closest and most dearest friend and they went everywhere together. And these are just two from a long list. But these differences are very important because they are what create the story and what bring the book and movie to life. They are what make the book timeless while the old movie is just that,

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