Frankenstein Persuasive Essay

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Prosecution Definition of second degree murder: Any intentional murder with malice and forethought but its not premeditated or planned. Victor Frankenstein wanted to create something that had never been created before. He wanted to be seen as “God” but when he’s creation did not turned the way he wanted it to he decided to run away leaving his creation at its own luck. He was supposed to be responsible for his creature just like any parent is responsible for their child when they’re born. Victor spend months in his apartment trying to reanimate the creature and it took him many tries and at the end when he finally achieves to bring him to life he decides run away because he's scared of the appearance he made on the monster. Negligence: …show more content…

Malpractice: Improper treatment, loss, or damage of a physician towards a patient. Emotional Distress: Mental Distress or anxiety suffered as a response of severe saddening experience. I blame Victors for the way the creature acts and everything bad that has happened to him because if Victor would’ve been actually responsible for his own creation no one would’ve died because the creature would’ve been under control. The creature would have experienced everything good life has to offer. The creature did not leave Victor's apartment willfully. The creature did not have an option because he was hungry and his creator was nowhere to be found. Victor Frankenstein kept his creation a secret knowing he had created a monster out of human flesh. WHY? Why didn’t you warned anyone of your creation if you were the first one to run from it? Victor Frankenstein brought the creature to life with a child-like innocence, but since Victor were never by his side, that innocence never progresses past the emotional state of a child and additionally the creature was rejected throughout all his encounters with humans causing him to do the things he …show more content…

A creator has the duty to teach his creature about life, as well as to love and nurture him. However, Victor did not do any of these; he did not take responsibility for his creature. In the book of Mary Shelley the creature states that he was “ poor,helpless,miserable wretch; I knew, and could distinguish, nothing; but feeling pain invading on all sides” The creature felt empty inside and he blamed Victor for it because he did not wished to be created but it was up to Victor. The monster had no one to support him and it all goes back to Victor for creating him in the first place. The monster was having psychological issues because of Victor IRRESPONSIBILITY. After months have passed the creature asks Victor to create him a Companion because he wants to feel love and promises to go away for good and stay away from humans. But once again Victor betrayed the monster. Victor bagans creating the monster but then he destroys everything he had already started because he believes that if he creates another monster they’re both going to start killing people. Once again the creature feels betrayed by his creator and decides to kill Victors friend Clerval in

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