Fracking In Texas

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Janise Miescke 5/6/2017 Assignment 3 When Money Speaks Louder than Obligation Texas has always been one to hold the belief ‘everything is bigger in Texas’.
It has always held dear the hearts of ‘the bigger the better’ slogan. This idea has been made crystal clear with recent legislation made to ban, the bans made by local governments on fracking. There is many controversies with this, and for good reason too. Even with such controversial legislature the governments still hold on the fact that our government is set up in the unitary system where “liberty always trumps local government” even if it does hurt the people. Some would even go as far to say ‘is it really a good idea to have a unitary system if the government seemingly abuses its power …show more content…

The major issue at hand is what is the best solution to where the people win, politicians do not have the opportunity to be corrupt.
With the recent ordeal with Denton’s fracking induced water pollution many are shook to the core with the realizations that there nothing they can do to change the states ruling. Meanwhile, the state knows that they are dancing on the fine line of “pose[ing] a bigger risk of enacting laws that infringe on individual rights” (Renaldi). Especially with their ruling to ban the ban of fracking. Despite the direct harm to the people of Denton. Denton had over 14,000 signatures to end the harmful fracking. 1 “There seems to be an attitude that big state government knows better than the citizens of a city. 2 I just think — conservative or liberal — that is something you don’t do in Texas” ( Roden). In many ways, this was another way the state showed their ever-growing superiority over local governments. They said their reason was because the ban posed ‘infringement’ over private property even with the city ban. However there’s a law that states “ Junked vehicles. Municipal ordinances that provide for the abatement and removal …show more content…

With a large number of people come natural flaws. There’s things that need to change and these would be one of them. If it hurts many people money shouldn’t even be in the question. Fracking creates lots of revenue for our state however, it shouldn’t go so far to where it hurts the health and our states agricultural wellbeing. In other words come up with something else to solve these issues.
1. 5 2015, Matt Rinaldi March 12, Jim Henson, Texas Tribune Pollster and Director of the Texas Politics Project, and Wayne Thorburn, Author; Former Executive Director of the Texas Republican Party. 6 "Liberty trumps local control, by Matt Rinaldi." TribTalk. 5 N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2017.
2. "City of Denton Fracking Ban Initiative (November 2014)." Ballotpedia. Ballotpedia, n.d. Web. 06 May 2017.
3. 6 "Local Control Archives." TexasVox: 5 The Voice of Public Citizen in Texas. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May

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