Four Benefits Of The Exclusionary Rule

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Describe the “Exclusionary Rule” and what it is meant to protect the citizens of this country. The exclusionary rule excludes any evidence that has been improperly or illegally seized. “The purpose of the exclusionary rule is to deter and discourage police violations of constitutional rights, as well as the violation of statutory rights of defendants, and the violations of court rules. The goal of the exclusionary rule is to deter the improper police, which in theory benefits all citizens, but in most cases the direct beneficiary of the rule is someone who would be convicted if the evidence were not excluded.” The exclusionary rule protects the citizens through the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment. “The fourth amendment of the United States constitution states that citizens have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects unless there is probable cause that is supported by oath or affirmation.” Which means unless there is probable cause, a person cannot be subjected to any searches and seizures, as well as any evidence that has been seized through unreasonable searches and seizures and cannot be used. The fifth amendment of the United States constitution allows a person from self- incrimination. The sixth amendment of the United States constitution deals with a defendant’s right to counsel. …show more content…

There are four benefits of the exclusionary rule. The first benefit is that it deters police misconduct by preventing illegal seized evidence from being introduced in a court case. The second benefit is that is essential in protecting ones fourth amendment to their privacy. The third benefit is the judicial integrity of this nation to ensure that the inalienable rights of the people are not deprived. Last but not least, the fourth benefit is it has the potential to ensure justice by preventing fabrication of evidence from

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